It’s a climactic cosmic bid for freedom… and not everyone is making it out alive. Your Major Spoilers review of Killswitch #4 from Action Lab – Danger Zone awaits!
Writer: Jeffrey & Susan Bridges
Artist: Walter Geovani
Colorist: Brittany Peer
Letterer: Ed Dukeshire
Publisher: Jason Martin
Publisher: Action Lab – Danger Zone
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: April 8, 2020
Previously in Killswitch: It’s chaos on the comet exterior as Marcella and the Augurs make their final bid for freedom. Even if they succeed, they’ll have to deal with a society that hates and fears them, and that may be too much for them to bear… and not everyone makes it out alive.
We open in deep space, as Major Marcella Regula leads a group of Augurs (psionics who are treated as second-class citizens because of their powers) towards a waiting escape pod, all the while chased by agents of the status quo. One of her squad sacrifices herself, but one of their pursuers makes it through and demands the all “go back home”. Marcella screams that that was never their home, surprising their would-be captor and turning his weapon against him. She then leads the Augurs to the escape pod, launching out into space in the hopes that they’ll get picked up by a transport ship before they freeze to death in deep space. This desperate gambit succeeds, but the more difficult part comes in explaining how and why she has Augurs with her, how they’re now free to do and go where they like… and that she, herself is one of them. Realizing that she can’t go back to her life in the military, she chooses a new name (“Princess”, what her fallen friend Spike called her), and sets out on a long journey to find and free her brother and perhaps earn forgiveness for the crimes that she helped perpetrate against the Augurs.
This book is a remarkably deep read, and as with any story that has such important real-world parallels, there’s a very fine line between moral and polemic. This story walks that tightrope well, with only a couple of moments where things feel a little heavy on the dialogue, but things never get overly preachy. As they newly-minted Princess sets out on her new quest, the book actually hits a very hopeful note, setting up sequels that I hope are coming. Geovani’s art throughout the book is top-notch, especially his rendition of spacecraft, armor and weapons, but the body language of the characters is so strong that you can tell which ones are military when they’re all wearing identical space-suits. I also love how expressive and nuanced his faces are, not to mention the cool future haircuts (especially Marcella/Princess’.) The last page is particularly wonderful in both art and dialogue, and it alone makes me want to see more of this universe and these characters.
In short, Killswitch #4 is an excellent last act for what I hope is only the first arc in this universe, with excellent art combining with skillful handling of real-world issues in a science fiction context in the grand ‘Star Trek’ tradition, earning a truly impressive 4.5 out of 5 stars overall. It’s a complex, layered story with a truly interesting protagonist, and I want more Killswitch sooner, rather than later.
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I love the art, I like the characters, and the story is both exciting and has something important to say, making for a nuanced and entertaining read.