Love is in the air, but someone always seems to be odd man out… Your Major Spoilers review of Ms. Marvel #29 awaits!
Writer: G. Willow Wilson
Artist: Nico Leon
Colorist: Ian Herring
Letterer: VC’s Joe Caramagna
Editor: Sana Amanat
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: April 18, 2018
Previously in Ms. Marvel: “Everyone’s favorite ex-pat – and Kamala’s best friend – is back from his studies in Wakanda! But what does this mean for the budding romance between MS. MARVEL and the RED DAGGER?! And is the new mean girl at school…an actual super villain?!”
One of the most wonderful parts of Ms. Marvel is how alive and authentic everything feels, and this issue is no exception. We open at the hospital, as Kamala’s sister-in-law gives birth, while big brother Aamir… Aamir basically panics. Once her new family member has arrived, a totally ecstatic Kamala goes on patrol as Ms. Marvel, only to meet her fellow hero Red Dagger, who adds a little more to her happy plate in the form of a lovely kiss!
A lovely kiss that happens right in front of her returning best friend, Bruno, who has returned from his studies in Wakanda just in time for things to get really complicated. There’s so much lovely character work in these pages, as Kamala has a heartfelt discussion with Bruno, a sweet interaction with Shiekh Abdullah about love and youth (and by the way, I wish I had a spiritual leader like him) and a new girl in school who has a real attitude and some secrets, based on what she does to her locker…
In short, this is the legendary “jumping-on point”, setting up a new status quo, complete with love triangle between Kamala, Bruno and Red Dagger and a whole new member of the Khan family. Nico Leon’s art is really expressive and loveable throughout the issue, especially in Kamala’s panicked expressions while trying to explain that the kissed a boy. (Sheikh Abdullah’s response is equally animated, and hilarious to boot.) This issue’s real star is Kwezi, Bruno’s friend from Wakanda, who wants to take a picture with a disadvantaged youth and experience the plight of the “developing world”, which made me laugh heartily. After several issues of Kamala MIA, it’s great to have her back and the cast reunited for the first time in a while…
In short, Ms. Marvel #29 is a winner from top to bottom, with a wonderfully nuanced script full of personality and wit, expressive art and subtle coloring that really enhances the reality of Kamala’s world and life, earning 5 out of 5 stars overall. I don’t know whether she should choose Red Dagger or Bruno, but I do know that I want to be here every issue while she figures the whole thing out…
[taq_review]Dear Spoilerite,
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