Image Comics announced the August release of The Schulb, a new comedy series from Ryan Stegman, Kenny Porter, and Tyrell Cannon.
Browsing: Ryan Stegman
As Venom celebrates 35 years in comics, Marvel Comics has tapped Ryan Stegman to provide a series of variant covers featuring various takes on the character.
Marvel Comics announced the August release of Ghost Rider/Wolverine: Weapons of Vengeance by Benjamin Percy and Geoff Shaw sends the duo to a secret branch of the Weapon Plus program.
Forty years ago, Mike Moran said Kimota again. Now, the notoriously unfinished saga is returning with the delayed ending we’ve been waiting for since 1993. Your Major Spoilers review of Miracleman #0 from Marvel Comics awaits!
Jane Foster and the Mighty Thor #5 wraps the mini-series this week, and we have a sneak peek at the issue from Marvel Comics.
The penultimate issue of Jane Foster and The Mighty Thor arrives on Wednesday, and we have a sneak peek at the issue, after the jump.
Jane Foster’s adventures continue this week as the Dark Elves get involved. Take the jump for a sneak peek of Jane Foster and the Mighty Thor #3 from Marvel Comics.
Take the jump for a sneak peek of Spider-Man 2099: Exodus #5 from Marvel Comics.
Can you believe Amazing Fantasy has been around long enough to make it to issue #1000? That’s what Marvel Comics is saying, and in August, the issue arrives with a slew of comic creators at the helm to share a huge adventure with us!
Hurry and take the jump for a sneak peek of Spider-Man 2099: Exodus #4 from Marvel Comics.
Jane’s search for Thor continues this week in the pages of Jane Foster and the Mighty Thor #2 from Marvel Comics.
Can SPIDER-MAN and these NEW AVENGERS repel the Masters of Evil and save 2099’s new Eden? Find out in this sneak peek of Spider-Man 2099: Exodus #1 from Marvel Comics.
Image Comics announced the September release of Vanish, an all-new series from Donny Cates and Ryan Stegman.
When Mjolnir comes crashing through Jane Foster’s apartment window, she fears the worst has happened to Thor. Take the jump for a sneak peek of Jane Foster And The Mighty Thor #1 from Marvel Comics.