We are super excited for the November release of Legion of Super-Heroes #1 from Brian Michael Bendis and Ryan Sook, and today we have our first look at the issue from DC Comics.
Browsing: Ryan Sook
We are super excited about the upcoming Legion of Super-Heroes: Millennium series from Brian Michael Bendis and Ryan Sook. DC Comics has released a sneak peek of the series, that you can check out, after the jump!
It’s Superman vs. The Red Cloud! Plus Dial H for HERO and The Question! It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s the Dueling Review of Action Comics #1005 from DC Comics!
You’ve read the Major Spoilers review of The Weatherman #4, now here is your chance…
When DC releases Heroes in Crisis #1, the publisher will offer readers the opportunity to get their hands on several variant covers from J.G. Jones, Mark Brooks, Francesco Mattina, and Ryan Sook.
The New Age of DC Heroes rolls on, and this time, it looks like the inspiration is The Defenders. But who is the contentious Firebrand? And what does it all have to do with the mysterious metal from Thanagar? Your Major Spoilers review of The Unexpected #1 awaits!
At the New York Comic Con, DC publisher, Dan Didio announced two new books are…
Thanks to the overwhelming success of Dynamite Entertainment’s Sheena #0, the Queen of the Jungle’s latest relaunch, issue #1 is set to launch September 6th
If we can have X-Men Blue, X-Men Gold, and X-Men Prime, why not Inhumans Prime…
Multiplicity continues this week in Superman #15.
Want even more X-Men comics? Marvel is bringing them your way in March with a…
The Asgard/Shi’Ar war begins in The Mighty Thor #15. Marvel sent us an early look…
Terry McGinnis is once again fighting crime in future Gotham City. But what rough beast…
IT’S NEW COMIC BOOK DAY! #NCBD The best day of the week just got a…