Browsing: Robin

The hunt for a murderer continues, but it won’t be easy when the city thinks Tim’s a criminal.  Your Major Spoilers review of Tim Drake: Robin #2, awaits!

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Arkham is empty and villains flood the streets, and now The Dark Knight has to change his tactics! Your Major Spoilers review of Batman: Knightwatch #1 from DC Comics awaits!

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In September, DC Comics releases Batman vs. Robin which spins out of the events of World’s Finest and Shadow War. We were able to get our hands on a sneak peek of the issue for you to check out right now!

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Robin’s investigation into Lazarus Island is put on hold as Lord Death Man strikes. LORD DEATH MAN!? That’s right, Dear Spoilerite, Lord. Death.Man. Take the jump for a sneak peek of the action in Robin #16 from DC Comics.

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The identity of the false Deathstroke is revealed and the Shadow War heats up for real. Your Major Spoilers review of Robin #14 from DC Comics awaits!

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