Valiant Entertainment has released a sneak peek of Ninjak #1 from Jeff Parker and Javier Pulido.
Browsing: Jeff Parker
Dejah Thoris has saved her world from the catastrophic End Winter. Now she must help rebuild Barsoom to its former greatness in this sneak peek of Dejah Thoris: Winter’s End from Dynamite Entertainment.
Valiant Entertainment has announced that Jeff Parker and Javier Pulido are teaming for a new Ninjak series that will debut in 2021.
DC Comics has released a sneak peek of today’s Superman: The Man of Tomorrow #9 that is available as a digital-first issue.
It is Wonder Woman Wednesday, which means we have a sneak peek of Wonder Woman: Agent of Peace #6, the digital-first issue that is available right now!
DC Comics is sliding into Friday with the release of Flash: Fastest Man Alive #6 as a digital first issue. We have a sneak peek of that issue, after the jump.
He’s going to save everyone of us, and in June, Archie and company are going to meet one of the oldest pulp heroes in comics and books – FLASH GORDON!
Here is your first look at Warlord of Mars Attacks #4 from Dynamite Entertainment.
Three worlds, two wars… One Warlord. Your Major Spoilers review of Warlord Of Mars Attacks #3 awaits!
Ack Ack! Ack Ack Ack Ack, Ack! ACK-ACK! (no, this joke never gets old.)
The finale installment of the James Bond origin story lands in comic shops this week. Dynamite Entertainment released this sneak peek of James Bond: Origin #12 that you can check out, right now.
Jimmy Woo is back, and as usual, he’s brought super-powered friends with him! Your Major Spoilers review of Agents of Atlas #1 awaits!
“The Debt” continues in this week’s James Bond: Origin #11 from Dynamite Entertainment. The issue arrives in stores on Wednesday.
John Carter, the Earthman known as the Warlord of Mars, finds himself facing a threat greater than any he has faced before! The Martians are attacking… Mars?