While it looks like Tyrese Gibson will be playing Luke Cage in the upcoming movie, Isaiah Mustafa and Marvel have teamed to at least give you a humorous look at Isaiah as Power Man.
Browsing: Humor
Tuesday’s discovery is a mixed bag, with the good outweighing the bad…at least in her eyes!
Tuesday is on the road and makes a startling discovery!
A member of the Legion of Major Spoilerites sent this video of Star Wars done up in Hawaii Five-O style, and considering the new series debuted on CBS last night to better than average ratings, it seems appropriate to share it with you as well.
If you ever wondered what would happen if Battlestar Galactica and Star Trek every crossed over, this clip of Gary the Cylon gives you a pretty good idea. A few swear words means you need to keep the speaker low if your are at work – unless of course you work at a really cool place where your boss doesn’t have a stick halfway up his ass, and the steno girl isn’t always looking for a way to slap a sexual harassment suit on everyone.
What awaits Wendy as she returns home to have it out with Tuesday over their earlier confrontation? Wendy returns home to have it out with Tuesday.
So wrong, and yet… so right.
Tuesday’s employment problem continues, and her last name is revealed (again?).
Don’t let the headline fool you, there was a time when students at the University of Mississippi petitioned to get General Ackbar (yes, that General Ackbar) named the school’s official mascot. On the video side, this is a stunning piece of videography, lighting, editing, and most of all, storytelling.
Things get heated at home, and Tuesday heads off to work.
Tuesday has a problem, and it reveals a familiar pattern of behavior.
We discuss some important correspondence, and meet Tuesday’s roommate as she continues her reflection of the past.
Tuesday reflects on her current plans…and her past.
The George Lucas Star Wars television series has been put on hold, but thankfully there are fan films like Blackstar Warrior to keep us entertained.