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Lana Lang is coming into her own as a superhuman, but will her humanity be her saving grace or her downfall?  Your Major Spoilers review of Superwoman #10 awaits!

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The lowest of the lower castes on New Genesis, Forager sacrificed his life long ago, during the Cosmic Odyssey. Or so it seemed at the time…  Your Major Spoilers review of Bug! The Adventures Of Forager #1 awaits!

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It’s been 25 years since the first first issue of Youngblood, and now Rob’s brain children have returned home to Image Comics.  Can they recapture the magic of 1992?  Your Major Spoilers review of Youngblood #1 awaits!

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His voice can raze mountains, but what becomes of Black Bolt when he’s no longer King, and no longer trusted by his Queen and his people?  Your Major Spoilers review of Black Bolt #1 awaits!

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