The Hobbit: There and Back Again is creeping closer and closer to it’s release date, so it’s about time that merchandising starts popping. If you are tired of your feet being cold on your walks around The Shire, or just to the fridge, take the jump to learn where you can nab these.
Author: Zach Woolf
Let’s be honest with ourselves, we all wanted to cry when SPOILERS Agent Coulson took one for the team in The Avengers. Some have speculated that he will rise again as The Vision, and one talented fan went as far creating a bust to show us what he might look like.
Action movies like Expendables 2 don’t get me to spend the money at the movie theater, or ever really, but you give me an ultra-violent, highly stylized martial arts flick and I’m in. Thankfully The Man With The Iron Fist is coming to the theaters this fall, and there is a new trailer for you enjoyment. [youtube] The Man With The Iron Fist releases for your viewing pleasure on November 2. via Deadline
Everyone generally has at least a small quip about a movie’s plot holes or ending, and the people over at HISHE have a humorous, visual representation of what they would have changed. But why should you really watch this? Because it’s Batman!
It’s Saturday! So what does that mean? Cartoons! Now if you do wake up early to get your animation in then you have already seen this in pieces, but someone has graciously went in and smashed them all together. Take the jump to watch the complete “Batman of Shanghai” story.
Baby Thool is mind controlling the crew, the Kraken is up from the sea floor to rescue the baby, and characters die! Major Spoilers saved all the rum and is now giving you the rundown of Skullkickers #17!
Fans have been questioning Diamond about when they will finally bring back their favorite 7-inch Star Trek figures and the company finally has an answer. Take the jump to see who is being made available first and when it’s hitting shelves.
Fans of the Mass Effect franchise, I bring good news! If you have already completed all there is to complete in the massive world of Mass Effect 3 and now have a Reaper sized hole in your heart, fret no longer for something downloadable this way comes.
Would you like to own your own Iron Man influenced Boba Fett helmet? What about a Spartan/Clone Trooper mash up? Well the biding is open and bid you should because all of the money goes to a good cause.
Texas is threatening to fire a nuclear warhead if any enemy enters their territory. So what is the logical choice? Send in the Ultimates! Major Spoilers lets you in on the happenings of the newest installment of the Divided We Fall story.
Another day has drawn to a close here at “The Best Four Days of Gaming” and it was filled with prospering, settling, tapping, checking, and NERDS! The sights from day two of Gen Con are after the jump.
Steve Jackson Games has been putting on one preview game a day here at Gen Con for their next release, Munchkin Apocalypse. Major Spoilers took a peek at the one happening this afternoon and is giving you the highlights.
iOS games are popping up in booths across the exhibitor floor here at Gen Con 2012, and the people at WizKids caught my attention with a preview of their upcoming addition to the HeroClix line.
While not all of you may have been lucky enough to make the pilgrimage to Gen Con this year, Major Spoilers can still give you a look at what those lucky few are seeing. Take the jump to look at the sights from Thursday.