Bishop and Cable find themselves having to stop another time crisis. Can they beat the Children of the Atom’s latest scheme? Find out in Timeslide #1 by Marvel Comics!

Writer: Steve Foxe
Artist: Ivan Fiorelli
Colorist: Frank D’Armata
Letterer: Joe Caramagna
Editor: Tom Brevoort
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $6.99
Release Date: December 25th, 2024
Previously in Timeslide: After the fall of Krakoa, mutantkind has gone their separate ways. However, some mutants exist outside the linear timeline, dealing with problems beyond conventional time.
Timeslide #1 begins with Bishop hunting down Emplate, only for his fight to be interrupted by Tempus. Tempus sends Bishop to the future to find Cable and recruits them to combat the Children of the Atom’s latest scheme. The Children of the Atom have created Vacuna, a being that consumes pivotal moments in mutant history, destabilizing the timeline. The plan is for Cable and Bishop to weaken Vacuna enough for Tempus to sacrifice herself to trap it in a time bubble.
The first encounter with Vacuna occurs during Jean Grey’s transformation into the Dark Phoenix. However, Cable and Bishop are unable to stop it. They continue to fight Vacuna across time, including in the future and in ancient Egypt. At one point, Cable and Bishop become separated, sending Bishop to Cable’s war-torn future, while Cable finds himself in Bishop’s riot-filled policing past. Eventually, they make their last stand at the Vault, defeating the Children of the Atom. They weaken Vacuna and, instead of sacrificing Tempus, send Vacuna to the moment of its creation, erasing itself from the timeline.
Man, this would have made a tremendous five-issue miniseries. Timeslide #1 had many great moments that were skipped due to space limitations. Even though this was a double-sized comic, I wanted more scenes of Cable and Bishop arguing and learning to understand each other, especially when they experienced each other’s futures. Their eventual reconciliation felt unearned because only a few pages were dedicated to it. The narrative arc was solid but rushed.
I’m also curious to see the upcoming Cable comic in the new year. There are hints within this book that hold a lot of promise, providing excitement I haven’t felt in the series’ latest relaunch. With all that and some solid art, this issue feels more like a precursor to future stories than a standalone comic.
Timeslide #1 works best if we consider it foreshadowing future storylines. As a standalone, it feels like it rushes through its most interesting parts. However, the comic is worth a read, earning a solid 4 out of 5 stars!
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Timeslide #1
Timeslide #1 works better as a prequel to future stories than a standalone comic.