Spider-Man has kept Tombstone from murdering his own child, but that doesn’t mean that they’re on good terms, especially with Tombstone’s trial reconvening. Your Major Spoilers review of The Amazing Spider-Man #60 from Marvel Comics awaits!

Writer: Zeb Wells/Joe Kelly
Penciler: John Romita Jr./Mark Buckingham/Patrick Gleason/Paolo Rivera/Todd Nauck
Inker: Scott Hanna
Colorist: Marcio Menyz/Edgar Delgado/Rochelle Rosenberg
Letterer: VC’s Joe Caramagna
Editor: Nick Lowe
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $7.99
Release Date: October 30, 2024
Previously in Amazing Spider-Man: New York’s new crime lord, Tombstone, was arrested and put on trial, in large part thanks to Spider-Man. The Web-Head even convinced Tombstone’s daughter, The Beetle, to testify against him, forcing Tombstone to cross what he thought was an uncrossable line. Arriving just in time to save Beetle, Spider-Man battled Tombstone through the streets, a battle that ended with Spider-Man half-dead. Tombstone chose mercy, since Spidey was trying to save his child, but now the trial must go on.
After the vicious beating he delivered to Spider-Man, Tombstone returns to trial, only for the prosecution to find that the loss of their witness means the loss of their case. As the judge angrily points out, hearsay from a masked vigilante cannot be admitted, and since the rest of the evidence was tied to Janice Lincoln, he will be dismissing all charges. Afterward, Tombstone takes a moment to pull Peter Parker aside with a message for Spider-Man: He got to the judge. Spider-Man won the fight, fair and square, and he still lost, because that’s sometimes how the world works. It’s a terrible lesson, but one that Peter already knows. We see it in action as he finally has a discussion with Aunt May about how he HAS to “help Spider-Man,” as well as when he and his ex-wife Mary Jane/Jackpot fight a villain together, then dinner with their new partners. We see it when he and his clone brother Ben finally have a conversation about what has happened since their dual Spidey gig ended, and we see it when he gets into a fight that attracts attention… from DOCTOR DOOM.
While I haven’t been as hard on Wells’ Spidey run as some online, I have found that the stories seldom end in a way that lives up to the big ideas of their premise. This final chapter is no exception, as we get no resolution of the Tombstone family drama despite the long setup. The discussion between Peter and May feels like it’s going to be a secret identity reveal, only to veer off in a different direction, and unlike previous stories that have shown May to be a canny woman who knows her nephew, this one… doesn’t. Mary Jane is still in her relationship with Paul, she’s still Jackpot, Spidey is still eating ramen in a third-hand armchair. The best part of the entire story is the short trip wherein we see Spidey and Wolverine celebrating the X-Man’s birthday, a strong three pages with beautiful art by Paolo Rivera. Overall, there isn’t a bad art team in the issue, though Rivera stands out, as does Todd Nauck’s, and even if I don’t care for Rek-Rap, Ed McGuinness gives him a sendoff that looks amazing.
The upshot of Amazing Spider-Man #60 is that the preview of Joe Kelly’s upcoming run is the most exciting part of the issue, with Wells’ short stories featuring the return of former collaborators, with the actual denouement of the Tombstone story being something of a flip, with the total package earning 3.5 out of 5 stars overall. If nothing else, I have to admire the gleeful note at the end of Rek-Rap’s tale, reading “Sorry, Joe! Now you HAVE to use him!”
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The Marvel standard of "putting the toys back in the box" sometimes works against the narrative, making for some awkward moments, despite some really incredible art.