Laura Kinney’s Wolverine is in New York City, protecting mutants from the Truthseekers! Check out her reasons in NYX #2 by Marvel Comics!

NYX #2
Writer: Jackson Lanzing and Collin Kelly
Artist: Francesco Mortarino
Colorist: Raul Angulo
Letterer: Joe Sabino
Editor: Annalise Bissa
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: August 28th, 2024
Previously in NYX: Kamala Khan and Sophie Cuckoo attend classes at Empire State University. One of those classes is taught by Prodigy, and both of them visit former X-Man Anole at their new job. However, anti-mutant hate persists through a new group called the Truthseekers. When Ms. Marvel investigated, she encountered Wolverine, who warned Kamala to back off. Undeterred, Kamala was caught in the blast radius of a terrorist calling themselves the Krakoan, who is actually Hellion in disguise, working with Empath and the Stepford Cuckoos.
NYX #2 focuses on Laura Kinney, who is reminiscing about an old friend. She adopts a loner attitude and begins investigating missing mutants. Taking on the new nickname “Scratch,” she meets Local and starts committing petty crimes with him to earn his trust and eventually meet his boss. His final task for her is to steal something from Empire State University, which she does after briefly encountering Prodigy. This task earns her a meeting with Local’s boss, who turns out to be Mojo!
Wolverine starts to fight Mojo but cannot gain the upper hand and is blasted and burned. She makes a timely escape and is not followed. Realizing she needs help, she later joins Kamala, Sophie, and Anole for some dancing.
I picked up this title because I wanted to see more of Kamala as a mutant. I don’t have strong opinions about Laura Kinney as a character. I think she looks great from a character design perspective, but I haven’t always been a fan of the Wolverine moniker compared to other X-Men. However, NYX #2 might have changed my mind. Laura is also younger and portrays many of the same traits as Logan’s Wolverine. Logan exudes maturity and experience, often learning or having already learned to deal with his issues over time. Laura doesn’t have that breadth of experience, and at least within a single issue, that made her fascinating. While I’m so-so on the plot so far, I really like the interpretation of her character in this book.
The art was good. I thought the blast that caused Laura to run was brutal. We saw depictions of her skin burning off, and I had to momentarily pause to process what was on the page. However, what stands out most here are the colors. As I turned from page to page, I saw a plethora of different visual stimuli that helped bring me into those moments. Good work here.
I admit I was disappointed when I realized this book was not Ms. Marvel-focused. Despite that, NYX #2 proved to be a great read, providing a simple story that appealed to my senses. I’m not sure what the rest of the series will look like—I’m not a big fan of Mojo as a villain—but I think this series has a lot of promise. 4 out of 5 stars for NYX #2.
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NYX #2
NYX #2 offers exceptional characterization for Laura Kinney, laying a solid foundation for the rest of the series, even if I'm not particularly interested in the villain introduced in this issue.