Gwen Stacy is in the 616! Despite trying to keep a low profile, she is attacked by Kraven at the same bridge where the 616’s original Gwen Stacy died! Find out more in Spider-Gwen: Ghost-Spider #2 by Marvel Comics!
Writer: Stephanie Phillips
Artist: Federica Mancin
Colorist: Matt Milla
Letterer: Ariana Maher
Editor: Ellie Pyle
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: June 26th, 2024
Previously in Ghost-Spider: In another universe, Gwen Stacy has a synthetic symbiotic suit and web shooters that give her Spider-Sense, adhesive fingertips, and a spider’s proportional speed and strength. She is also a frequent traveler of the Multiverse. She is in the 616 universe in secret, but she blew her cover after stopping a bank robbery. Even worse, she has been stabbed by Kraven!
Spider-Gwen: Ghost-Spider #2 starts with Gwen waking up in her apartment. Apparently, Peter Parker found her on the bank’s side and took her home, though who saved Gwen remains a mystery. Peter, Miles Morales, and Cindy Moon question why she is here, but Gwen says it is a secret. However, Gwen finds a mysterious package containing the knife that stabbed her, along with an address. Knowing that this attack isn’t Kraven’s usual method, Gwen goes to the address of an antique dealer and learns that the knife is a replica of an old weapon.
As Gwen leaves, trying to figure out what is happening, Spider-Man shows up and asks Gwen for help, but Ghost-Spider senses something is off. Instead, she attacks Spider-Man, beats him up, and realizes she is fighting the Chameleon!
The comic introduces some significant players in the Spider-Man family in Gwen’s apartment. We get a brief explanation that Peter looked at her wallet to find her apartment and secret identity, but including these characters didn’t add much to the story. As I was reading Spider-Gwen: Ghost-Spider #2, I felt that the characterization was lost in favor of a confusing villain and the inclusion of fan-favorite characters. Why didn’t we introduce one character and have a better moment instead of juggling three? Ghost-Spider is a character who can hold her own; we don’t need to crowd the page with other characters for us to become attached to her. Because of this, the book lost some of its uniqueness for me.
The art of the book is solid, especially during the fight scene between Ghost-Spider and the Spider-Man Chameleon. These characters look great on the page, and the contrast of colors between them is well done. Good job here.
I try to pick up any Spider-Gwen book because it’s a good read for my daughter and me. While I haven’t had the chance to read this one to her, I’m sure she will enjoy watching Gwen Stacy do extraordinary things. But I am not on board at the moment. With that in mind, Spider-Gwen: Ghost-Spider #2 gets 3.5 out of 5 stars.
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Spider-Gwen: Ghost-Spider #1 lost momentum by introducing too many popular Spider characters simultaneously, shifting the focus away from the title character.