Sides have been switched and now, sabotage may cost the Rangers their last line of defense. Your Major Spoilers review of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #119 from BOOM! Studios awaits!

Writer: Melissa Flores
Artist: Simona di Gianfelice with Marco Renna
Colorist: Raul Angulo
Letterer: Ed Dukeshire
Editor: Allyson Gronowitz
Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: April 24, 2024
Previously in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Despite an unrelenting onslaught from Dark Specter, Earth is the last bastion of relative safety, but is surrounded by an entirely corrupted Morphin Grid! But it’s only a matter of time before the enemy breaks through, and it will take the combined might of every surviving Ranger to enact their plan!
Last time, Mistress Vile finally gave up her wicked ways and fled Dark Specter’s stronghold, freeing White Ranger Tommy as she went, but winding up trapped by her ex-husband inside her cosmic dumpster again. But as Lord Zedd lords it over her, Blue Ranger Billy and Dino Charge Purple Ranger Kendrix are forced to battle Drakkon Ranger Blue, who is trying to steal the power eggs keeping Earth protected from the corruption in the Morphin Grid, creating an instability that will eventually bring the protective field down.
At the same time, we see three Ranger couples (Tommy and Kim, Zack and Trini, and Aisha and Matt) spending some time together, dealing with their romance, deep bond of friendship and blossoming crush, respectively. It’s a lovely sequence, followed by a reckoning between Omega Ranger leader Trini and Kiya, the betrayer of her team. As the barrier comes down, Billy, Kendrix, and Zordon have a plan to keep Earth’s Rangers uncorrupted… but will it work?
Spoilers: It does, and with some spectacular results and/or alternate designs, to boot. Having found out this week that Darkest Hour is not just the big 30th anniversary storyline, but BOOM!’s swan song on Power Rangers, this issue hit a very sweet spot for me. It’s been a while since we’ve had human moments with the Rangers, and almost all the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers get a little time in the sun. (Jason, who is currently semi-retired, got a nice moment last time around with his high school bullies, Bulk and Skull.) As the issue wraps up, though, the real star of it all is Rita, whose narration opens and closes the issue, and whose days of evil seem to be behind her for real. The final page, revealing a white-haired, seemingly purified Rita declaring that she has finally washed her hands of the whole matter, leaving the epic battles of good and evil to the Rangers, is remarkable, one of the most memorable in recent history.
The downside of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #119 is that the back-and-forth of multiple swirling stories makes it feel a little bit fragmented for me as a reader, but it is nice to have a breather from the endless grinding darkness of recent months, and even with my concerns, Flores and company seem to have a strong grasp on Power Rangers lore, leaving us with a well-deserved 3.5 out of 5 stars overall. It’s hard to say where this will go before July brings it all to a close, but at least we have time to check in with all our multi-colored friends before things all come to an end.
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With only a few issues left before the big BOOM! finale, this issue slows down to catch up with the people inside the helmets and the traumas they've endured.