Amazon Studios The Rings of Power is here. The Second season is on its way. We want all Spoilerites to have the best viewing experience possible and have the widest knowledge base about the Second Age of Middle-Earth. This is a weekly Let’s Get Nerdy article series highlighting a different piece of Tolkien I think you need to know about!
This post contains potential spoilers for The Rings of Power’s second season. At the time of writing these are simply rumours, but if you may want to avoid spoilers come back later and see if I was right!
There’s been a lot of Sauron talk in these recent weeks, which feels both appropriate and frustrating given the increasingly swirling rumours of his tremendous presence in The Rings of Power season 2. This week I want to write about the name Mairon who has cropped up increasingly in the online discourse – particularly in the spoilers leaked.
Sauron — in Mairon form, and called such — is NOT Halbrand (Charlie Vickers) or Annatar (Gavi Singh Chera).
Mithrandir (Gandalf) is “almost” convinced to support Mairon’s (Sauron) agenda.
Mairon gives an epic speech, “The One has blessed me more so than all of you to see the potential of His creations, and what better way to forge their mettle than by allowing them to face Melkor’s discord and grow beyond what they think capable!”
Why should we care who Mairon is?
Well, if you recall from a couple weeks ago there’s a pretty persistent rumour of three Sauron personas being the point of view characters throughout The Rings of Power season 2. At the time I wrote that article I felt confident about who two of the three actors were playing (Sauron or Halbrand returning as we remember him from the first season and Annatar), and now I’m confident Mairon will be the third persona at play.

A quick history: before Sauron was Sauron he was known as Mairon and was a member of the Maia of Aulë the Smith (remember him from a previous week’s feature article?), which taught him the skills to partner with Celebrimbor’s talent and enabled him to forge The One Ring.
Where actors are concerned of the three actors who are rumoured to be slated to play the Sauron personas my guesses are: Charlie Vickers asr Halbrand, Gavi Singh Chera as Gavi Singh Chera as Annatar, which leaves us to wonder who will step into this third part? Who is also rumoured to maybe-also-be-Celeborn?
Things are getting really messy in The Rings of Power land!

*insert side eye emoji here*
Reddit thinks actor Oliver Alvin-Wilson will round out of collection of Saurons. As of the time of writing Alvin-Wilson is credited with being cast in The Rings of Power per his IMDB, however he is only credited as “Actor” which is just mean! His past credits include: Henry VI, The Bay, and Collateral.
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In past articles I have answered the questions:
- What Are the Rings of Power?
- What is Númenor?
- What is the Second Age?
- Who are the Harfoots?
- Who is Prince Durin IV?
- What is Khazad-dûm?
- Who is Celebrimbor?
- What is the Last Alliance of Men and Elves?
- Who is Elendil?
- New Pics! Who are Bronwyn and Theo?
- What is Rivendell?
- The Rings of Power First Reactions Are In!
- What is Lindon?
- What are the Nine Human Rings?
- Empire Magazine’s The Rings of Power Covers
- New Character Pictures
- Will Wizards Appear in The Rings of Power?
- New Promo for The Rings of Power
- What is Eregion?
- Leaked! Rings of Power Trailer Breakdown
- The Rings of Power Teaser Breakdown
- New EW Rings of Power Pictures
- SDCC Rings of Power Trailer Breakdown
- Who is Isildur?
- The Rings of Power is Here! Read the Reactions
- Who is the Stranger?
- Who is Queen Míriel?
- Who is Ar-Pharazôn?
- What is the broken black blade?
- What is Mordor?
- What is Mithril?
- What are the Silmarils?
- What is Narsil?
- Who founded Númenor?
- Who is Galadriel’s Brother Finrod?
- Rings of Power Adds 15 New Cast Members for Season 2
- Who is Círdan?
- Will Celeborn Appear in The Rings of Power?
- Are Galadriel and Sauron Enemies in Book Canon?
- Who is Narvi?
- Jamie Bisping Cast as Viran
- Will the Harfoots Settle The Shire?
- What to Watch Before The Rings of Power Season 2
- Will We See More Rings in The Rings of Power Season 2?
- Will Lord Belzagar Appear in The Rings of Power Season 2?
- Who is Diarmid?
- Will Ringwraiths appear in The Rings of Power Season 2?
- Will Gil-Galad Lead an Army in The Rings of Power Season 2?
- Is the Balrog Durin’s Bane?
- Who is Isildur’s sister Eärien?
- What is Rhûn Where Nori & The Stranger are Headed?
- Will Galadriel Go Dark in The Rings of Power Season 2?
- Where are the Southlanders Going?
- Is Durin Still a Prince?
- How Eärien will use the Palantir in The Rings of Power Season 2
- Is the Rings of Power close to canon? Will it get closer in Season 2?
- What is The War of the Elves and Sauron?
- Who are the Three New Rings of Power Cast Members? Ciarán Hinds, Rory Kinnear and Tanya Moodie
- Who are the Three Witches Trying to Rescue Sauron?
- Rings of Power season 2 Reportedly Wraps Filming
- Nenya will Appear in The Rings of Power season 2
- Will We see Shelob in The Rings of Power season 2?
- How Celeborn Could Appear in The Rings of Power season 2
- Will The Rings of Power be at San Diego Comic-Con?
- How are Hobbits and Harfoots Different?
- Who is Galadriel?
- What are Noldor Elves?
- Who are “Durin’s Folk”?
- What are the Seven Dwarf-Lord Rings?
- How did Humans come to Middle-Earth?
- Who is High King Gil-Galad?
- What are Sindar Elves?
- What is Hobbit Day?
- Finding all the Lord of the Rings at New York Comic Con
- Who are the Rohirrim?
- New Lord of the Rings Video Game – Return to Moria – is Here!
- Who is Gimli, son of Glóin?
- What is the Fourth Age of Middle-Earth?
- What are Cave Trolls?
- Why does the Bridge of Khazad-dûm Matter?
- Are Orcs and Goblins Different in Middle-Earth?
- The Rings of Power Season 2 – Where Are We Now?
- War of the Rohirrim – Where Are We Now?
- How Many Seasons will Rings of Power Run?
- Lord of the Rings is a Christmas Movie
- Rings of Power at the Creative Arts Emmys
- Update on the Rings of Power Lawsuit
- Will Tom Bombadil Appear in Rings of Power Season 2?
- Will Gandalf Meet Shadowfax in Rings of Power Season 2?
- Why Can’t Rings of Power Adapt The Silmarillion?
- Will Sauron be Sauron in The Rings of Power Season 2?
- Multiple Saurons to Appear in The Rings of Power Season 2
- Who created the Dwarves in The Lord of the Rings?