Who will be the Spirit of Vengeance? Your Major Spoilers review of Ghost Rider: Final Vengeance #1 from Marvel Comics awaits!

Writer: Benjamin Percy
Artist: Danny Kim
Colorist: Bryan Valenza
Letterer: VC’s Travis Lanham
Editor: Darren Shan
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $5.99
Release Date: February 13, 2024
Previously in Ghost Rider: Final Vengeance: Johnny Blaze was bonded with the Spirit of Vengeance. Unwilling to be a monster, Johnny used this demon from Hell to do good as the Ghost Rider. But that kind of heroism isn’t what the Rider was meant for. So who will be the new Spirit of Vengeance? And what will it mean for the Marvel Universe?
Ghost Rider: Final Vengeance is narrated by Zarathos, the Spirit of Vengeance, Johnny Blaze’s flaming other half, explaining his history, and how it interfaces with the destiny of stunt rider Johnny Blaze. As they encounter a strange demonic spider, Zarathos suddenly flees, leaving an all-too-human Johnny to certain death, all at the command of Mephisto. The Ghost then flies across the depth and breadth of the Marvel Universe, flitting from host to host and causing chaos wherever he goes, from the internet to deep space to the most terrifying strip club you’ll ever see. Eventually, though, Zarathos finds himself drawn to Chicago, to a man that even he mocks as having no moral compass, no drive, no sense of self, with the final pages revealing that the new Ghost Rider is…
…Parker Robbins, AKA The Hood.
*Price Is Right Sad Trombone*
The weird thing about this issue is, that even though it’s double-sized, it feels like there isn’t enough space to do what the creators want. The quick blips of plot, like android X-Man Danger creating an infernal virus and an alien Brood protecting a human against her fellow alien bugs, are interesting stuff, but end up flying past in a blur. It’s a little bit maddening, actually, as the side stories opened feel more interesting than the idea of a three-time loser becoming a (maddeningly Hot Topic-styled) Ghost Rider. The fact that the story opens with Johnny Blaze using the motorcycle and powers of Danny Ketch’s Rider bothers me, but the fact that Zarathos’ recap includes a COMPLETE retcon of Johnny’s history AND Zarathos’ left me irritated. There are sparks of brilliance in these pages, to be sure, but having several interesting story hooks start and abruptly end makes it feel like little to nothing occurs in these pages. There are some bright spots to be had in the art, like the design of Ghost Rider/Danger, but there’s also an unfinished feel to it. One panel may contain a Zarathos-possessed Kraven The Hunter, but it’s nearly impossible to tell given the scratchy, indistinct nature of the pencils.
The maddening part of Ghost Rider: Final Vengeance #1 is the tease of several really interesting iterations of Ghost Rider, all cut short in favor of a character who was last seen being eaten by a demon, but with a plot that either extensively retcons or just doesn’t bother to research Johnny Blaze’s history and art that focuses on style and misses some of the substance, it nets 1.5 out of 5 stars overall from me. Since this is an ongoing series and not one of Marvel’s five-issue contained stories, I’ll be willing to check in and see how it progresses in an issue or three, but I’m not looking forward to what comes next, especially at this cover price.
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A sprawling script where nothing happens, combined with teases of really interesting hosts followed by the dullest possible choice just bums me out as a reader.