Girls’ night out is a very different thing when you live in the Marvel Universe. Doubly so if you’re a gamma-powered Hulk in your spare time. Your Major Spoilers review of Sensational She-Hulk #4 from Marvel Comics awaits!
Writer: Rainbow Rowell
Artist: Ig Guara
Colorist: Dee Cunniffe
Letterer: VC’s Joe Caramagna
Editor: Nick Lowe
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: January 20, 2024
Previously in Sensational She-Hulk: Jennifer has had a rough week. Confronted by her cousin, The Incredible Hulk, she ended up in the center of some heavy property damage, all of which got filmed and put on the internet. That means that the entire world (including her boss and The Avengers and all her hoity-toity Upper West Side neighbors) saw the whole thing. And then, The Hulk left her stuck in the middle of nowhere, forcing her to walk home to New York.
As she returns to work as a lawyer for superhumans, She-Hulk is extremely distracted by the response to her cousin’s recent actions, including protestors outside her law firm and hostility from her boss, Mallory Book. Granted, hostility from Mallory isn’t unusual, but the other problems are, and even a court date can’t distract her. When she gets home, though, there is some good news, as her boyfriend, Jack of Hearts, has been able to take off his regulating armor without, y’know, exploding. He’s even willing to go out dancing with her and her friend, Patsy/Hellcat… until he realizes that Captain Marvel is also going to be there. The three of them have a couple of heavy discussions, Captain Marvel makes it clear that she wants to be “one of the girls.” Jennifer gets to dance… Oh, and Hellcat realizes that the club is infested with demons, just in time for the shocking cliffhanger.
This issue starts out as a “day in the life” story, with a fun guest shot by Devil-Slayer, the return of Ransak and Karkas, and some fun interactions between Jennifer and Jack. As it goes on, it ends up examining the relationship between Jennifer and Carol Danvers, the awkward interactions between Carol and Patsy Walker, and Patsy’s general friend energies. By the time the issue ends, it promises the three heroes throwing down with demons next issue, as well as one of the most attractive covers I’ve seen in a while. Rowell’s script focuses on character interactions, including remembering that Hellcat flirted with Jack of Hearts back in 1977 (it’s true!) and that Carol and Jack of Hearts used to work together as Avengers. All in all, the combination of the story and Guara’s dynamic art makes for an entertaining issue.
Sensational She-Hulk #4 keeps several plots simmering, Bronze Age style, pulling everything together into a nice slice-of-life comic that doesn’t even have an antagonist until the very end, but still has conflict, excitement, and real stakes, earning 3.5 out of 5 stars overall. It’s worth it just to hear Patsy explain how Carol “doesn’t appreciate her energy”.
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She-Hulk, Hellcat and Captain Marvel walk into a bar.
That's when Jennifer learns about the difficulty mixing school friends and work friends.