One’s a primate who loves aqua regia. One’s a canine who loves the good life. But will they fight crime, or just fight? Your Major Spoilers review of Acid Chimp Vs. Business Dog #1 from AHOY Comics awaits!
Writer: Bryce Ingman
Artist: Peter Krause/Steve Pugh
Colorist: Chris Chuckry
Letterer: Rob Steen
Editor: Tom Peyer
Publisher: AHOY Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: January 10, 2024
Previously in Acid Chimp Vs. Business Dog: Business Dog controls the wealth of nations! Acid Chimp has been abducted by crooks who want him to kill the canine trillionaire with corrosive acid!
And why wouldn’t he? Splashing acid is the only thing that Acid Chimp enjoys!
As the day dawns in Los Angeles, Acid Chimp is working on his Rubik’s Cube when his superhero friend Rush Hour enters, telling the Chimp that he has to deal with a traffic jam on the 405. As soon as he’s gone, A.C. has broken open the acid vault, but his preparations are interrupted by the arrival of Animal Control agents who want to bring him in. Permanently scarring shenanigans ensue, but when he is finally tranquilized, his captor notices the motivational poster of Business Dog on the wall. It’s unclear exactly how, but we cut to Billionaire Island, where Business Dog is surprised to find that the board of directors has sent him a gift: A pet of his own! It’s Acid Chimp!
Aaaaaand, we’re off!
There are a couple of things about this issue that stand out as bothersome for me, as a reader. The first is the seeming lack of coordination between the first story, done by the artist of My Bad, Acid Chimp’s home title, and the second, done by the artist of Billionaire Island, the home of Business Dog. That’s not a game-breaking flaw, though, especially when the story is this entertaining. The actual antagonists of the second part are a ridiculous pair of would-be oligarchs, which makes their comeuppance satisfying to read about, but Steve Pugh’s visuals make it even more entertaining. (Watch for the car shaped like a taco. It makes sense in context.) The end of the second chapter is a bit abrupt, at least partially out of a need to get Acid Chimp back home to Emperor King’s castle in L.A., but it’s kind of worth it for the final splash page.
I haven’t been a regular reader of Billionaire Island, but I can tell any fans of My Bad that this book is more of the same things that make that book such an underrated gem. Acid Chimp Vs. Business Dog #1 has a couple of narrative hiccups, but none that derail the enjoyment of the story, with two talented artists doing great work and a couple of Ahoy Comics’ trademark bonus stories at the end, earning a very impressive 4 out of 5 stars overall. Fans of old-school Justice League International or 2000s She-Hulk should give this book (and maybe it’s brethren) a look.
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The title isn't quite appropriate, but even with an awkward transition and a sudden ending, it's an entertaining one-shot experience.