Marc Spector may be dead, but the Midnight Mission’s work hasn’t ended. And as everyone knows, a new moon must rise. Your Major Spoilers review of Vengeance Of The Moon Knight #1 from Marvel Comics awaits!

Writer: Jed MacKay
Artist: Alessandro Cappuccio
Colorist: Rachelle Rosenberg
Letterer: VC’s Cory Petit
Editor: Tom Brevoort
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $5.99
Release Date: January 3, 2024
Previously in Vengeance Of The Moon Knight: Clad in the black of mourning, the Midnight Mission remains! But who is left to keep the faith? And how have they been changed by the Black Spectre’s master stroke? The next chapter in the life of the Moon Knight starts here as the congregants of the Midnight Mission pick up the pieces and carry on the mission… and find themselves faced with a mysterious new enemy in eerily familiar vestments.
We begin with young vampire girl Reese, meeting with Moon Knight’s psychiatrist, Andrea Sterman, explaining what has happened since the death of Marc Spector and the others in his head. Reese and the other members of Moon Knight’s crew (Tigra, the vampire called Soldier, D-list ex-villain 8-Ball, and Hunter’s Moon, the other Fist of Khonshu) weren’t sure how to proceed with any type of services, but a quick call to Ben Grimm turns into a true mitzvah, as the FF member helps them to organize some prayers and a makeshift shiva. He even rounds up a few of Moon Knight’s superhero associates to handle the streets while the Midnight Mission’s team spends seven days in mourning, When they return to the streets, without their leader, things almost turn bad, but the combination of two vampires, one warrior priest, and a were-woman get the job done. Things are less awesome for our man, 8-Ball, who finds himself on the wrong end of a savage beating…
…from someone dressed in the garb of the Moon Knight.
The use of flashback in this issue is impressive stuff, showing MacKay’s mastery of storytelling as it threads through the time since we last saw Moon Knight, giving each member of the Mission team a bit of spotlight. A character pointedly asks, “Which one of you is Moon Knight?” and the story takes us through moments that make it seem like any of them could be the new one, only to swerve things and have Dr. Sterman ask if Reese worries that Marc won’t come back. Her response, that she is actually worried that he already HAS is shocking in its simplicity. Though this issue is a number one, it’s mostly for show, as the creative team from Moon Knight Volume 9 is continuing their story in the same setting, with the same characters. Cappuccio shows off impressive chops throughout the story, with special kudos due to Hunter’s Moon arriving to perform an exorcism, as well as the angry confrontation between Reese and Tigra.
After MacKay’s impressive 30+ issue run, Vengeance of The Moon Knight #1 could have easily been number thirty-one, but the decision to relaunch gives the creative team a chance to really shine as they bring a new status quo to the Midnight Mission, and hopefully draw some new readers, shaking down to 4 out of 5 stars overall. I hadn’t been a regular reader of Volume 9, but I will be paying close attention to where this series goes from here.
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Marc Spector's death at the hands of Black Spectre in the last issue of Moon Knight have set the stage for a new era at the Midnight Mission, and it raises fascinating questions in ways that make me want to know what happens next. Good stuff.