Something has collected every single living Titan and Teen Titan from around the globe, and the culprit seems to be one of their own! Your Major Spoilers Retro Review of JLA/Titans #3 awaits!
Writer: Devin Grayson/Phil Jiminez
Penciler: Phil Jiminez/Mark Buckingham
Inker: Andy Lanning/Wade von Grawbadger
Colorist: Jason Wright
Letterer: Comicraft
Editor: Frank Berrios
Publisher: DC Comics
Cover Price: $2.95
Current Near-Mint Pricing: $3.00
Release Date: January 13, 1999
Previously in JLA/Titans: The return of alien hero Starfire to Earth heralded the beginning of a full-scale invasion from beyond. As strange transforming cylinders attacked, the Justice League mobilized against them, only to have two of their members stolen away. With Flash and Green Lantern missing, Superman called in the reserves, only to have Batman reveal that his son, Nightwing, has also been stolen. In fact, anyone who was ever a member of the Teen Titans is gone, The League has mobilized against the invading force, which has overtaken the entirety of Earth’s moon, holding all the Titans in its strange, ever-changing architecture.
Having overcome the stasis effect, Nightwing frees the other founding Teen Titans, attempting to contact the mind controlling it all: Victor Stone, once known as Cyborg! Of course, they’re not alone, as Vic’s best friend Changeling has also shaken off the effect in the hopes of bringing his pal back to his lost humanity. While the heroes of the JLA are able to unite long enough to hold the Cyborg-ified moon in orbit (a rather impressive task requiring the strength of Superman, the Marvel Family, Wonder Woman, Power Girl, The Martian Manhunter, and Captain Marvel in concert with Green Lantern’s will), the members of the Titans try to communicate with their friend Vic.
The influence of George Perez in the work of Phil Jiminez is obvious, which makes him the perfect choice for a story celebrating so much of Teen Titans history. The interiors of Cyborg’s new “Death Star” form are maddening, but each Titan still finds a way to communicate with the controlling mind. Arsenal urges Cyborg not to be a screw-up like himself, while Tempest reminds him that he has friends who also understand being torn between two worlds. Flash offers to help his old pal shake off the computer influence, Troia appeals to his heart, and Nightwing insists that Cyborg cannot give up.
And as for Changeling?
Gar cuts right to the heart of the matter, telling his best friend to knock off the crap and get over himself already. Naturally, this is the argument that works, as Changeling shouts that if Vic won’t believe his word, that Vic create someone whose word he can accept. That’s when an image of Vic’s father appears, reminding the once-and-future Cyborg of the truth. The Titans are his family.
It’s a lovely moment, but it also causes him to lose control of his component parts, raining debris on Earth and causing his essence to begin dissolving. That’s when The Changeling has a second stroke of brilliance.
The soul of Victor Stone is swept up by Raven and sent into the shape-shifting Omegadrome, which sounds like a ride at Worlds of Fun, but is in fact a liquid metal morphing system once used by short-time Titan, Minion. The Justice League and Titans combine their forces to save Earth from a hail of debris, while the heroes witness the creation of a brand-new Victor Stone.
Not just a new Cyborg, friends, but a golden, liquid metal Terminator-style Cyborg! (I also appreciate the presence of Bumblebee who, depending on your definition, is likely DC’s first Black superhero and a super-genius in her own right on the science team.) As the issue ends, a new Titans team is formed, consisting of heroes from all previous iterations, to provide stability and structure for the young heroes of the DCU, and to avoid another Cyborg-goes-made situation. In many cases, I’d have started with the first issue of a miniseries, but JLA/Titans #3 is so worth the price of admission, showcasing creative storytelling, truly excellent art, and a celebration of not just the returning Cyborg, but the entire history of the Teen Titans in one massive issue, earning 4.5 out of 5 stars overall. If you’ve ever wondered what the difference between the Justice League of America and the Teen Titans really is, this is an issue you’re going to want to read.
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It's a very '90s crossover, featuring dozens of characters and giving nearly all of them something interesting to do, and ending with the return of one of DC's best characters to active duty. Worth if for the art alone.