With the crisis of the Hellfire Gala, Steve Rogers calls for the return of the Unity Squad! Find out if Captain America can lead a team of mutants against Captain Krakoa in Uncanny Avengers #1 by Marvel Comics!

Writer: Gerry Duggan
Artist: Javier Garrón
Colorist: Morry Hollowell
Letterer: Travis Lanham
Editor: Tom Brevoort
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: August 16th, 2023
Previously in Uncanny Avengers: The anti-mutant organization Orchis attacked the Hellfire Gala and delivered an ultimatum. For every mutant on the planet, Orchis would kill humans. Without any other option, Charles Xavier banished all mutants from Earth, with only a handful able to resist his telepathic command. On top of that, the mysterious Captain Krakoa attacked the U.S. government. Captain America sets out to intercept him but is attacked by Orchis, only to be saved by Rogue. Now, he assembles a team to discover who Captain Krakoa really is.
Uncanny Avengers #1 starts with the perspective of Ben Urich, who is trying to figure out what is happening and doesn’t immediately believe Orchis’ message. Elsewhere, Psylocke and Penance have teamed up to kill Orchis soldiers and free mutants. During the fight, they are approached by Captain America, and both are surprised when Steve Rogers comes to help them. Steve Rogers admits to putting together a team and wants them to join. Meeting with Rogue, Quicksilver, and Deadpool, they return to New York to determine their next plan. Meanwhile, Captain Krakoa has his own team featuring Blob, Wildside, and the Fenris twins.
Quicksilver learns that Captain Krakoa is after atomic weapons and takes the Unity Squad to intercept. Before they fight, Blob calls their new group the New Mutant Liberation Front. Unfortunately, Captain Krakoa and his new team have the upper hand against the Uncanny Avengers.
The Fall of X comics issues a new turning point for the X-Men, and so far, the fight has been violent and bloody. Many of the mutants are reacting negatively to the crisis. When I picked up Uncanny Avengers #1, I expected Captain America to be the voice of reason. Instead, he lets Psylocke kill, claiming this is war, and I find that acceptance fascinating. It provides a sense of depth as we get into Psylocke and Monet’s psyche and their motives. And I have to say, every character introduced had their moment. I felt every character’s motivation, both protagonist and antagonist, on every page. I was captivated by learning how these characters handle grief and their inner turmoil and thought processes. This is a great way to introduce an ensemble cast. I understand what is happening and appreciate the actions of both heroes and villains. Great work by the creative team.
This book has a lot of violent moments, and those action scenes give the artist the freedom to show complicated power sets and dynamic poses. Uncanny Avengers #1 does a great job showing off the abilities and makes every character seem powerful. While many facial expressions seem similar, I am in awe of the art on some of these pages.
This is an excellent comic title that portrays the tragedy of the Hellfire Gala event. I am impressed with the writing and the art, and most importantly, I want to know more about what is going on. Considering those points, Uncanny Avengers #1 is a 4.5 out of 5-star comic, and I am reinvigorated to read the next issue.
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Uncanny Avengers
Uncanny Avengers #1 does an excellent job motivating every character to be there, regardless of whether they are good or bad guys.