It’s Ranger versus Ranger, villain versus villain, and nobody’s guaranteed to make it out alive. Your Major Spoilers review of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #109 from BOOM! Studios awaits!
Writer: Melissa Flores
Artist: Simona di Gianfelice
Colorist: Raul Angulo
Letterer: Ed Dukeshire
Editor: Allyson Gronowitz
Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: June 21, 2023
Previously in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The horrifying truth of the Vessel has finally been revealed to Zordon and the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, but the last person they want to fight shatters their odds of success. But it’s not only heroes that clash with each other-villains too, in a brutal battle that will pit former allies against each other, and ultimately unearth long-buried secrets that readers have been dying to know!
After being freed by Mistress Vile (formerly known as Rita Repulsa), the extra-dimensional dictator Lord Drakkon (formerly known as Green Ranger/White Ranger Tommy) has arrived on planet Safehaven to free one particular imprisoned criminal. Once he has Kiya (formerly the Blue Omega Ranger) in his charge, Drakkon teleports away through the team’s teleportal. Of course, first he defeats half the team in combat, and warns them to destroy the Arch before Mistress Vile arrives to use it. He’s not the only one going toe-to-toe with old friends, though, as the Mighty Morphin team is once again at the mercy of a brainwashed Green Ranger on Earth, and Mistress Vile has to battle her former husband, Lord Zedd, who has channeled the Morphin Grid to become a ranger himself.
Oh, and Rita has reanimated Zordon’s physical body as her personal enforcer, which is both evil and terrifying.
There are several legitimately shocking moments in this comic (the Rangers tactic for defeating the renegade Green Ranger is absolutely ingenious, while Aisha and Matt have one of those teenage conversations that can pierce armor), but the most unexpected for me come when Rita orders her Vessel to kill Grace Sterling, only for Zordon’s voice to respond with an unequivocal “No.” That’s a great moment for Flores’ script, but the art is also enjoyable throughout the issue. The extended battle sequence/argument between Zedd and Mistress Vile is a master class in blocking, using a variety of storytelling techniques to make it all feel very lively and cinematic. There’s always a question of whether Mighty Morphin Power Rangers can up the ante any further, but this latest arc has done so effectively, and this issue leaves us with a number of uncertain moments to hook readers into the next.
The events of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #109 take place in multiple locations at a breakneck pace, but it’s a credit to the creative team that it all holds together so well, with art impressive enough to keep up with the complexities of the plot, earning 4 out of 5 stars overall. I just have to wonder what kind of people are ready to sign up for Drakkon’s new team… and whether or not any of them survive.
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It's tough to keep building the next galaxy-threatening menace, but this issue shows off how to do it both well and uniquely.