The Green Ranger returns, Zedd and Rita meet again, and The Vessel’s identity revealed… You won’t believe which is the most shocking. Your Major Spoilers review of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #107 from BOOM! Studios awaits!
Writer: Melissa Flores
Artist: Simona de Gianfelice
Colorist: Raul Angulo
Letterer: Ed Dukeshire
Editor: Allyson Gronowitz
Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: April 19, 2023
Previously in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Zedd is more powerful than ever, while Grace’s second in command keeps a past plan alive, which may provide a cutting edge in the battle with Dark Specter… or prove to be the Rangers’ undoing.
Oh, and Mistress Vile finds the ultimate use for the Vessel, whose identity finally comes to light!
Within Prometheus Station, Lord Zedd has finally revealed his plan, having siphoned off energy from the Morphin Grid and given himself the ability to morph into Ranger Form. At the same time, Mistress Vile has attacked from outside, with her own plan to take the Grid Navigator from the station, bringing with her the mysterious Vessel. While all that’s going on, a brainwashed Green Ranger attacks Tommy and Jason, further splintering the Rangers’ defenses at the worst possible time. All of this is explained step-by-step by a newly disassembled Alpha-1, who is so confident in Mistress Vile’s plan to undo the Power Ranger that he’s monologuing about how it’s all going. Rita and Zedd come face-to-face, and when he tries to confront her, she dismisses him and leaves her servant to kick his butt. And it is during that battle that Zedd realizes that he knows his opponent… He knows him all too well.
It can be hard to write a continuing series like this without having to one-up what has come before, but this issue pulls together a number of plot threads into something even more epic, without feeling like the creators are desperate to outdo themselves. It’s a well-crafted plot that still manages to surprise me with the Vessel’s identity, then again with Mistress Vile’s new allies. The art is quite remarkable, too, especially the cool design for the corrupted Green Ranger and Zedd’s new armored form, but perhaps my favorite visual is a conversation between Pink Ranger Kim and Blue Omega Ranger Yale. (It should be noted that he’s a giant alien kitty cat, so it plays out like a young woman talking to her pet, except that the “pet” has eight eyes and is eight feet long.) Seeing The Vessel and Zedd battling it out for possession of the Z-Staff is both beautiful and strange, since they’re usually on opposite sides of the conflict.
If you listen to the Major Spoilers Podcast, you may realize that, once again, Stephen was right in his guess of who is under the helmet of The Vessel, but Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #107 surprised me not just with that, but multiple times, earning 3.5 out of 5 stars overall. There’s something terrible going on in Angel Grove, my friends, and it makes for an exciting read.
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Three shocking moments highlight an issue that successfully makes everything feel hopeless for the Power Rangers, with little to no hope of reinforcements... It's an impressive achievement.