Amadeus Cho and Tala search for the She-Hulk. Find out if they can find Jen to save the Haargs before it is too late in Planet Hulk: Worldbreaker #3 by Marvel Comics!
Writer: Greg Pak
Artist: Manuel Garcia and Cam Smith
Colorist: Chris Sotomayor
Letterer: VC’s Joe Caramagna
Editor: Mark Paniccia
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: January 4th, 2023
Previously Planet Hulk: Sakaar has turned into a wasteland. Grand Priestess Venkiera targets Haargs, green-skinned people from the planet related to the Worldbreaker. After being attacked by the Priestess, Tala sought out Amadeus Cho to help save her brother. Their initial rescue attempts failed, so they searched for Bruce Banner. Banner refused to allow it, so they instead looked for She-Hulk.
Planet Hulk: Worldbreaker #3 begins with Tala and Cho encountering a robot and being saved by Korg, the Stone Man. Together they find Jen, who is attached to a generator that is powering a flying city. When She-Hulk unplugs from the machine, the flying island descends and becomes a regular island. They set out to free Tala’s brother, Balo. The initial assault goes well, with Jen and Korg wreaking havoc, but the fight seems too easy, and they realize this is a trap. The Grand Priestess Venkiera used the children as bait to capture Cho and She-Hulk. She monologues and reveals that she plans to destroy the planet, and Cho warns that her actions will wake up the Worldbreaker!
I initially read Planet Hulk: Worldbreaker #3 and was dissatisfied with the comic. And I realized it was because I was not following who the protagonist was. At first, I thought I was following Tala, but now I think the story is more about Cho. Then it seems like we are setting up the return of Woldbreaker Hulk with a brief interlude of She-Hulk. This detaches me from the characters and their developments, even though there are some great moments between Cho and Tala. Still, because of the story’s pacing and the continual introduction of all these Hulk characters, it is hard to remain engaged with the major elements of the story.
The linework of Planet Hulk: Worldbreaker #3 is solid, but sometimes the colors blur together a little bit, which muddles some details. However, watching the splash pages of these characters make me excited for the rest of the series.
This comic feels like it lost some of the direction of previous issues. There aren’t the themes of family, imposter syndrome, and trauma that are relevant in previous issues. However, much information is given to you that may set a satisfying conclusion. With that in mind, 3 out of 5 stars for Planet Hulk: Worldbreaker #3.
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Planet Hulk: Worldbreaker #3 introduces many Hulk characters for the sake of including them, which distracts from the story's central themes.