Liam has rescued Tommy, but there are still other kids that need to be freed before they can make their escape. Find out if these teens can make their daring rescue in Break Out #4 by Dark Horse Comics!
Writer: Zack Kaplan
Artist: Wilton Santos
Colorist: Jason Wordie
Letterer: Jim Campbell
Editor: Spencer Cushing
Publisher: Dark Horse Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: December 21st, 2022
Previously in Break Out: Alien cubes appeared on earth and started sporadically kidnapping teenagers. When Liam’s brother was one of the victims, Liam formed a team and made a plan. They entered the cube and rescued Tommy, but Tommy couldn’t leave his fellow captives behind.
Break Out #4 starts with Liam’s team having twenty-five drones reprogrammed but over two hundred kids. In essence, they don’t have enough drones to save everyone. Tommy comes up with a plan to blow up a part of the shaft to buy time, but his goal comes with his own sacrifice. Liam witnesses his brother’s death and decides to try and take out the entire cube. Taking a reprogrammed drone, Liam meets with the alien leadership. Liam claims to have a bomb and uses that as leverage. He informs them that they will leave his city alone or he will blow up the cube. They reluctantly agreed and sent him back to his team while they looked for the bomb. The bomb was planted within the cube’s core with the robot Liam reprogrammed. He detonates the bomb, and the cube disappears along with half the cubes worldwide.
After a cheerful victory, the government hires Liam and his team to help eliminate the other cubes.
I admit that Break Out #4 caught me a bit off guard with Tommy’s sacrifice. I thought the book was setting up Liam’s death. Instead, Liam became the main force to get rid of the aliens. While this was neat, I didn’t feel the emotional impact of Tommy’s death because I don’t know much about the characters. I think there just weren’t enough pages to let the scene breathe. Instead, we rush to a brief scene between Alana and Liam, briefly interlude with the other characters, and then back into the action. The following section and this dramatic confrontation with Liam, the bomb, and the aliens were delivered well. The art, writing, and coloring came together to produce a satisfying conclusion. And that is worth the cost of admission for this series.
I have become attached to the plot, character, and setting in only four issues. I wished there was more story to explore, but I am happy with the comic series we got.
Break Out #4 is a fantastic read and worth a read when the trade paperback comes out. I think this reads better as one cohesive story than a single monthly issue. With all that in mind, Break Out #4 is a solid 4.5 out of 5 stars.
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Break Out #4 did a fantastic job within the short four issues it had and is a good pick-up when the trade comes out.