Dr. Tod has a biological bomb in his possession that could change the very fate of Earth. Can Dr. Tachyon and Jet Boy do something before it is too late? Find out in Wild Cards: Drawing of Cards #2 by Marvel Comics!
Writer: Paul Cornell
Artist: Mike Hawthorne and Adriano Di Benedetto
Colorist: Ruth Redmond
Letterer: VC’s Cory Petit
Editor: Jordan D. White
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: August 31st, 2022
Previously in Wild Cards: World War II has ended. However, an alien race known as the Takisians has a biological weapon they want to test on Earth. Dr. Tachyon betrays his people to try and warn humans about the threat. He was able to shoot down the ship with the bomb, but the weapon landed in the hands of crime boss Dr. Tod who now holds the United States hostage. Meanwhile, war hero Jet Boy has returned home.
Wild Cards: Drawing of Cards #2 starts with Dr. Tachyon talking to the United States president and finally convincing him about the bomb. The president then calls Jet Boy on another mission. Jet Boy takes a squadron and flies above New York to where Dr. Tod is holding the bomb, threatening Manhattan. Jet Boy attacks Dr. Tod’s aircraft but runs out of ammo. He then decides to eject himself from his plane onto to bomb platform. Dr. Tod and Jet Boy wrestle for a gun when Dr. Tod is pushed off the airship. But not before Dr. Tod shoots a bullet that causes the aircraft to explode and unleash the bioweapon across New York!
The best part of Wild Cards: Drawing of Cards #2 is the art. This particular issue runs like a very long action scene; therefore, there isn’t much character development. Watching these World War II airplanes circle around New York is incredibly engaging to look at. The problem is that I don’t really care about the characters at the current moment. There is tension between Dr. Tod and Jet Boy, but the reader isn’t brought into that conflict yet. I am sitting here trying to figure out the relationship between these two characters but have not been given a lot of stuff to grasp onto. This is unfortunate because this conflict could have a substantial emotional impact. Perhaps the next issue will present new information that connects us to the characters.
Wild Cards: Drawing of Cards #2 didn’t engage me as much as the premiere issue did. I really enjoy the premise, and the story has a lot of promise, but that promise has not been fulfilled. With that in mind, this comic is a 3 out of 5 stars.
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Wild Cards: Drawing of Cards #2 has excellent action scenes but doesn't give the reader a lot of emotional attachments to engage them.