BOOM! Studios has announced Grim, a new ongoing comic book series from Stephanie Phillips and Flaviano.
Jessica Harrow is dead. But her journey has only just begun! Discover the world of the afterlife, where Jessica has been recruited as a Reaper, tasked with ferrying countless souls to their final destination. But unlike the rest of the Reapers, she has no memory of what killed her and put her into this predicament. In order to unravel the mystery of her own demise, she’ll have to solve an even bigger one – where is the actual GRIM REAPER?
“GRIM is dark and brooding and fixated on death… and also one of the most fun series I’ve ever written! With demons, reapers, departed souls, and Flaviano’s artwork, you’ll be dying to read more!” said Phillips in a press release from BOOM! Studios.
Grim #1 arrives in May 2022.