So… RoboCop opened this weekend… looks like a lot of LEGO kicked the movie’s cybernetic behinder in the process.
In 2028 Detroit, when Alex Murphy (Joel Kinnaman) – a loving husband, father and good cop – is critically injured in the line of duty, the multinational conglomerate OmniCorp sees their chance for a part-man, part-robot police officer.
Did you see the movie? What is better or worse than the original? Should Stephen see it, or wait and try and get it for a dollar? Use the comment section below to share your thoughts about the Jose Padilha remake.
I went in with low expectations and found myself rather enjoying it.
Rather than retread the original storyline, the remake takes the premise of the original film and takes it off in another direction.
It didn’t feel as toned down and teen friendly as other recent action films, I had no issue with Robo’ being armed with what is effectively a taser-gun but I believe this decision was made as a social comment, along with the much hyped drone storyline the trailers and pre-hype material have been focusing on.
A good cast lift it above other remakes, bit too much shakey cam but overall a solid film.
If you want better and bloodier law enforcement: Future Style: Seek out the superior Dredd3D on bluray, but if you’ve got nothing better to do on cheap night at the local picture house check this out.
I saw the movie and I liked it.
The main detractor from the film was a wobbly camera. This wasn’t even the much dreaded shaky-cam used in action scenes that audiences seem to unanimously hate. (I didn’t even particularly notice any shaky-cam during the action scenes if there was any.)
From what I could tell it was sloppy camera work on part of the camera operator. In fairness, the director chose some dynamic tracking shots that must of had the camera operator running around in a great big hurry, but it was hardly smooth and steady. The wobbliness annoyed me enough pull me out of the movie which in turn cost me some of my enjoyment of the film.