I’ve been back and forth on Jonah Hex since its return some 68 issues ago, but I do know I’m excited to see what happens in All-Star Western #1 that features Hex arriving in Gotham City in the 1800s.
In ALL-STAR WESTERN #1, Jonah Hex is enlisted to help the Gotham Police Department solve the mystery of a vicious serial killer. “So much for Gotham being a one-horse town. Look at that dazzling city in the late 1800’s meticulously researched and brought to life by Moritat. Hex fans, you can relax. We’re not going to abandon seventy issues of dedication and love for the ugly bounty hunter,” co-writer Justin Gray told us.
Take the jump for another page from the Justin Gray/Jimmy Palmiotti book, featuring art by Moritat.
via The Source and iFanBoy
I have never loved hex but i think it could be interesting to see this kind of story. As long as they don’t do anything stupid like having a character named “Jeremiah Wayne” who is a cop that helps Hex….or something like that
Ps. Pretty sure i butchered that but my iphone has no auto-correct
Damn. A fellow Southern redneck kicking ass in Gotham? “Ah like the sound o’ that!”
Again–where the heck is Gotham City?? Is Hex really visiting the East Coast, or is Gotham standing in for Chicago? Or San Francisco? Why is Gotham in a book called “Western”?
Wherever it is, it’s gotta be West of somewhere.
Wow. I’m not much of a Hex fan but, I think, I’ll be checking this book out.