Jason Todd’s training continues, but this time he may have bitten off more than he can chew. Does Judd Winick serve up a winner, or drop a bomb in Red Hood: The Lost Days #4?
Writer: Judd Winick
Artist: Jeremy Haun
Colorist: Brian Reber
Letterer: Pat Brosseau
Editor: Michael Marts
Publisher: DC Comics
Previously in Red Hood: The Lost Days: After being resurrected by Talia Al Ghul, Jason Todd begins his training to return to Gotham a stronger crime fighter than when he left. Throughout his new time on Earth, he’s not only learned many dangerous new skills, he’s also taken out those who he believes are doing wrong. As his training and success grows, so do the dead bodies. Something not lost on Talia.
Though Jason Todd is learning from some of the worst the world has to offer, there is something noble in his desire to eliminate those who are the scum of the Earth. In this issue Winick continues to take a character not liked by many, and even less liked as a Batman villain, and turn him into a sympathetic character – one the reader can root for and care about whether he lives or dies.
His latest training duties have Todd learning bomb making, and when he attempts to double-cross his mentor in order to save the lives of 700, Jason winds up out of the frying pan and in the fire. Todd’s original downfall at the hands of the Joker came about because of his arrogance in thinking he could handle anything. It appears as though history is beginning to repeat itself in this story. It’s clear that Jason’s first mentor continues to influence his decision making, and it is somewhat tragic to see Jason’s optimism collapse upon learning that Batman has taken on a new Robin.
Winick continues to serve up a well thought out story and continues to develop the back story of the Red Hood quite well. I can’t help buy feel that even though we know the outcome of Jason in other books, The Red Hood has become a very Punisher like character – the anti-hero that we can pull for.
Jeremy Haun’s art in this issue is really well done. I like the realistic take on characters that he brings to the book, and save for a few photos of Batman, no spandex appears in this issue at all. So while this is a “superhero” book, it doesn’t feel like a superhero book. Haun renders clothing perfectly, and because faces aren’t hidden behind masks Haun can stretch his legs with facial expressions and non-verbal cues from the eyes. It really didn’t pop out to me until this issue that Jason wears a red hoodie when he does his thing, which is a nice tie to the Red Hood theme. Overall an excellent art outing in this issue.
I don’t like Jason Todd. I’ve never liked Jason Todd. I hated it when he was revealed as the big bad, and hated the fact that DC once again allowed someone from the dead to return to life. That being said, I don’t hate what Winick is doing in this book. He’s able to take a lot of what I hated about Jason Todd and make him sympathetic. If you are looking for a story that has good character development, and doesn’t feel like a superhero book, then Red Hood: The Lost Days #4 is worth buying. It’s well written, and the art is fantastic, earning this issue 4 out of 5 Stars.