There’s a new Winter Soldier, and he was once called Logan. Check out this twist on Wolverine in Ultimate Wolverine #1 by Marvel Comics!

Writer: Chris Condon
Artist: Alessandro Cappuccio
Colorist: Bryan Valenza
Letterer: Cory Petit
Editor: Wil Moss
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $5.99
Release Date: January 15th, 2025
Previously in Ultimate Wolverine: The Maker used time travel to prevent people from becoming superheroes and established a council of supervillains. Colossus, Magik, and Omega Red rule with an iron fist in the Eurasian Republic. The trio created “Directorate X,” led by Dr. Alonya Prostovich. Elsewhere, The Opposition, a group of free mutants, stands against the Eurasian Republic.
Ultimate Wolverine #1 begins with a fresh twist on the classic hero. Logan, a creature of rage, is found by Eurasian Republic soldiers and taken in after proving impossible to kill. Filled with anger, Dr. Alonya Prostovich recognizes Logan’s unique survival instinct, something her other test subjects lack. With approval from Colossus, Magik, and Omega Red, she begins her experiments, resulting in the classic Wolverine mind wipe that turns him into the Winter Soldier.
Winter Soldier is sent to Latveria to eliminate The Opposition. He quickly dispatches Mystique and Nightcrawler, who recognize him before their deaths.
I haven’t followed the primary Ultimate comic line, so I’m unsure how much this story ties into that broader narrative. For me, this is the first introduction to Ultimate Wolverine, and visually, the book is stunning. The bold choice of red for Wolverine’s look, rather than the classic yellow, is eye-catching. The violence and primal nature of the character are palpable. Colossus, Magik, and Omega Red designs are striking, while Mystique and Nightcrawler’s blue hues set a distinct tone to the reds of Wolverine and the Eurasian Republic.
Story-wise, I’m intrigued but not fully invested in Logan’s character. One issue I had was the lack of dialogue for the protagonist, coupled with his facial expressions being obscured by a mask. This made it difficult to connect with him emotionally, leaving me engaged primarily by the plot rather than the character. While this works in the short term, I’ll need to connect more with Wolverine and The Opposition to remain invested in the title. If the narrative offers more insight into Logan’s perspective, this title has the potential to excel.
The revamped Ultimate Universe has been promising so far, and I’m optimistic this title will also do well. Ultimate Wolverine #1 is visually stunning, and if the character becomes more relatable while maintaining its artistic excellence, it could be a great series. Ultimate Wolverine #1 gets 4 out of 5 stars
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Ultimate Wolverine #1
Ultimate Wolverine #1 provides a strong introduction to this version of the character with engaging ideas. However, the silent and masked protagonist makes connecting emotionally with the title character challenging.