New powers and a whole new world await Arthur Curry, so get ready to stare in slack-jawed wonder as he says those three little words. Your Major Spoilers review of Aquaman from DC Comics awaits!

Writer: Jeremy Adams
Artist: John Timms
Colorist: Rex Lokus
Letterer: Dave Sharpe
Editor: Paul Kaminski
Publisher: DC Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: January 8, 2025
Previously in Aquaman: Arthur Curry’s powers have evolved to powerful new heights, and this is one king ready to use them to kick some serious butt. Mammoth water-construct Kaijus have emerged from each of the seven seas, and only Aquaman’s water-warping abilities can stop them… but not if they kill the good king in the process! Enter Dagon, Arthur’s guide on the quest to unlock the secrets of the “blue!”
But what deadly secret awaits Arthur on his journey?
Thanks to Amanda Waller’s attempt to steal the powers of all the superheroes of the DCU, Aquaman has added the hydrokinetic powers of his wife, Mera, to his already impressive array of abilities. Having returned to the throne of Atlantis and the ranks of Justice League Unlimited, Aquaman is once again at the top of his game, balancing the roles of father, husband, King, and superhero… until a mysterious relic is found. While Aquaman is busy battling giant water monsters, Jackson “The Other Aquaman” Hyde and Garth “The former Aqualad, now Tempest,” investigate the strange jewel. But when Arthur gets a sudden psychic cry for help from his wife, he returns to find his entire family and kingdom GONE. With the help of Batman and Wonder Woman, he seeks the source of the magic emanations…
And that’s when things go horribly wrong.
On the one hand, I like the idea of Aquaman getting some new powers, especially the ones his Batman: The Brave and The Bold counterpart had. On the other, I dislike that they’re Mera’s, sidelining her and pushing her to the background of this tale. (Of course, Jackson, Tempest, and his daughter Andie, the future Aquagirl, are also set aside, so it’s not like she’s being singled out.) This issue also starts with a sequence set a year in the future, which implies that Aquaman is also going to be out of crossovers and JLU stories for at least a while, which I dislike. The fact that he explicitly calls out his return to the forefront before the cliffhanger ending makes that part sting a little bit, which is definitely a misstep by the creative team.
On the art side, though, things are more successful. I especially appreciate the color palette, which mutes the green of Arthur’s leggings into something more subtle and offsets the gold/orange of his chain shirt in a new way. However, I am puzzled by the issue of showing Aquaman in mid-air, as though flying, which isn’t part of his traditional power set or Mera’s.
As first issues go, Aquaman #1 serves as a good preview of the arc to come, even if it’s a preview of things that I have problems with, and the art/coloring combo is quite attractive, with the total package earning 3 out of 5 stars overall. I am willing to see what the creative team has in store, if only because it’s been four years since Arthur has had his own ongoing series, something that feels nearly impossible.
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Aquaman's return to the front lines of the DCU makes for a good read, even if I'm not 100% sold on the way his supporting cast gets sidelined. Excellent art makes up for a number of the story's issues, though, and the cliffhanger ending works.