Variety is reporting that Bryan Singer has inked a deal with Warner Bros. Pictures to produce and direct the sequel to Superman Returns. Even though there is no budget or script, the film should hit the screen in 2009. The deal comes shortly after the announcement that Superman Returns passed the $200 million mark domestically. Even though the film has made $390 million world wide, I believe the studio was hoping to make that money in less time.
Audiences were split on the like it or hate it factor, with many expecting the movie to have more action than it did. I’ve heard the rumor that Lex Luthor will not be appearing in the sequel. So who will the master villain be? Brainiac and Parasite come to mind, but knowing how well the first film did, I wouldn’t be surprised if it were two giant polar bears. Singer and company have two years before the debut, I hope that is enough time to salvage the franchise.
via Variety (link)