There’s a new sheriff in Asgard! He’s three stories high, bright red and REALLY not happy with the cold. Your Major Spoilers review of Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #43 awaits!
Writer: Brandon Montclare
Artist: Gustavo Duarte with Ray-Anthony Height
Colorist: Tamra Bonvillain
Letterer: VC’s Travis Lanham
Editor: Chris Robinson
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: May 22, 2019
Previously in Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur: When Manhattan is frozen solid and Frost Giants prowl the streets, Devil Dinosaur must keep the peace!
As Lunella and Devil deal with with massive blizzard conditions caused by The War of Realms, she remembers a tale that happened some time ago. Summoned to Asgard by Thor himself, Moon Girl was asked to help figure out a riddle from Loki, regarding a princeling stuck in a magic tower. While she, Thor and Sif try to puzzle out the situation, Devil Dinosaur buddies up with The Warriors Three, sharing a bit of the old “poetry juice” (pretty sure it’s mead, and high-grade stuff, too) and becoming an unofficial fourth Warrior. The conundrum speaks of an unbeatable dragon and the “pure of heart” being the key, but Thor’s might isn’t up to the task, and before Moon Girl can suss it all out, an inebriated “Warriors Four” make a full-frontal assault. It goes well for a bit, until the unstoppable dragon and Devil butt heads and suddenly begin a courtship ritual, causing Thor and the Warriors Three to attack him. Moon Girl goes head-to-head with the Thunder God in a classic Marvel misunderstanding, but rather than match his might, she uses physics to divert his hammer… into the hands of Devil Dinosaur, who transforms into the mighty THUNDER LIZARD! (He even gets a little Thor tunic. It’s adorable.) Things get out of hand, the princeling is revealed to be a Frost Giant, and the final page reveals why Moon Girl has brought us this tale, as she and Devil Dinosaur find the giant, Jokul, in Manhattan and prepare for revenge, served (really really really) cold.
This issue’s take on Thor is very much in the vein of the MCU version, and the Warriors Three follow suit in quippy and irreverent fashion, but they manage to keep Moon Girl as the driving force and focus of the issue. Even with Devil Dinosaur becomes Devil Dino-Thor, it’s Lunella’s mind that keeps things under control. I am a bit unclear about the riddle/prophecy and what it actually means, but that last-page cliffhanger implies that it will be resolved next time around, so I will give that bit a little slack. The art in this issue is very abstract and cartoony, which is in keeping with the tale, but there are times where it’s not entirely clear what is happening from panel to panel, which affected my enjoyment somewhat, but renditions of the Asgardians and our title due are really strong and expressive. The biggest problem with this issue for me is the feeling that this is a side-trip that won’t matter either to the War of the Realms or to Moon Girl’s long-term continuity, making it feel inessential at best and at worst, unnecessary.
Even with those concerns, though, this makes for a fun single issue and it will definitely appeal to younger readers and those who are tired of grimdark endless continuity nightmares. Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #43 has a few wobbles, but makes the best of a difficult crossover with a fun story and the maybe-important reveal that Devil is capital-w Worthy, earning 3 out of 5 stars overall. At least we got to see a drunk Devil Dinosaur hanging out with Fandral for that all-important Kirby crossover potential.
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Some slight problems with the storytelling in the art and the nature of the crossover hurt this book, but it’s still an entertaining read.