Seeking to escape from the pursuing Union soldiers, Turok and his young brother, Andar, find themselves in a land where the dinosaur still roam. Will they find a new way of life or will they find only death? From Dynamite Entertainment, TUROK #1 is on shelves now!
Writer: Ron Marz
Artist: Roberto Castro
Colors: Salvatore Aiala
Letters: A Different World Studios’ Troy Peteri
Cover: Bart Sears
Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment
Release Date: January 9th, 2019
Cover Price: $3.99
Previously in TUROK: The character of Turok was originally published by Western Publishing in their Dell Comic line in 1954. After a few appearances in Four Color Comics (#596 and #656) the character was given a new home in Turok, Son of Stone #3. This title ran from 1952 to 1982 and was published by both Dell Comics and Gold Key Comics. Originally a member of a pre-Colombian tribe lost in a hidden canyon where dinosaurs still lived, he has been reimagined by various writers and published by Valiant Comics, Dark Horse Comics and Dynamite Comics. This new first issue gives us a new origin to the Dynamite Comic version, placing him and his brother Andar in the Colorado territories in 1873.
A Union Calvary unit marches along a dusty trail deep in the Colorado territories. Their leader, a reddish blonde man named Captain Connors, is leading an Indian youth. Bound by ropes about his hands, the youth stumbles to the dirt. He is a prisoner, and Connors offers him no relief or respect. He is to walk to his destination, or be dragged behind the captain’s horse. The men of his unit are far from civilization believe the boy has no hope of rescue. Then an arrow strikes the captain, knocking him from his horse. Turok, brother to Andar, the youth who is a prisoner, has arrived to retrieve his kin. From a position high above, he rains down arrows upon the mounted men, taking them out one by one. Connors threatens Andar’s life, telling Turok to turn himself in. Turok has other plans, and jumps into the fray, killing or disabling his opponents with masterful proficiency until he reaches his brother and frees him from his bonds. Stealing Captain Connor’s horse, the two flee into the desert while the Calvary troops regroup. Connors refuses to let them escape and orders his men to pursue them. Their path leads to narrowing canyon and a strange portal which takes the brothers to a land unlike human eyes have ever seen. Will they escape their pursuers, or has the battleground simply changed?
I first picked up Turok when he was the star of Turok, Son of Stone from Gold Key Comics. The idea of an Indian brave trapped in a land time forgot was wonderful, and I picked it up whenever my parents budget would allow. Years later I would read the original Valiant Comics and be amazed how the character and stories had evolved. The Nintendo 64 video game stayed in my top five for years until a lightning strike finally laid by well-used console inoperable. The legacy of Turok long, and it is interesting to see the direction which writer Ron Marz (Witchblade, Green Lantern) will take him. This time around, Turok is a member of the Kiowa tribe and has been placed in the timeline of the American West infamous Indian Wars. His dialogue here is solid, and at this point, the plot is enough to hold interest. My only issue is the pacing. Over the first half of the comic is given to the rescue of Andar, with only a handful of pages on their arrival to the other world. I just feel as if some of the action, which even in the middle of the rescue sequence, could have been condensed and more time allowed for background. That said, Ron Marz is a seasoned veteran, and he gives us an action-packed tale that throws us straight into the adventure and lays several plot lines to be picked up later.
Partnering with Marz on this new title is artist Roberto Castro (Lord of the Jungle, The Greatest Adventure), who has a long history of work with Dynamite Entertainment. His art is solid, and the style works wonderfully with a western inspired comic. Characters are recognizable and you get a good sense of action on the page. Is it perfect? Nope. There are a few hiccups here and there, but nothing which will take away from the pleasure of following the action as it unfolds. He does the important things well and that is what matters. My biggest complaint may be in the colors for the issue, as there are a lot of earth tones which drown out the backgrounds, leaving some sequences with a muddy feel. This may be purposeful, however, as the situation changes drastically once our heroes arrive in the land of the dinosaurs. Overall it is a great look for the book.
This issue was a solid first introduction to the character of Turok. Now I start to wonder, does this character share the same timeline as previous characters? If this was Dynamite’s first title for Turok I would assume that it was a fresh start. The fact they have published multiple titles with the name Turok, as well as him appearing in the limited series Gold Key: Alliance, makes me wonder. Also, there is a character I several panels which bears a striking resemblance to one who appeared in Alliance. While I would prefer to see a new Turok unfettered by past incarnations, I am willing to take a wait and see attitude.
TUROK #1 is an interesting entry for the character, but it did not quite grab me the way I hoped. I’m going to give this one some time and see how it unfolds.
Turok #1
This issue was a solid first introduction to the character of Turok. Now I start to wonder, does this character share the same timeline as previous characters? If this was Dynamite’s first title for Turok I would assume that it was a fresh start. The fact they have published multiple titles with the name Turok, as well as him appearing in the limited series Gold Key: Alliance, makes me wonder. Also, there is a character I several panels which bears a striking resemblance to one whi appeared in Alliance. While I would prefer to see a new Turok unfettered by past incarnations, I am willing to take a wait and see attitude.