Dark Horse Comics presents The Midnight: Shadows, an electrifying, original sci-fi comic adventure inspired by the poetic storytelling of band THE MIDNIGHT, composed of singer-songwriter Tyler Lyle and producer-songwriter Tim McEwan.
Browsing: Stephen Thompson
The five-year mission may be over, but now it’s time for the next adventure to begin in this week’s Star Trek: Year Five #25 from IDW Publishing.
The crew of the Enterprise will put it all on the line in the grand finale of Star Trek: Year Five #24 from IDW Publishing.
A Tholian horde bearing down on Earth, a time-traveling madman out for blood, a rot festering within the highest levels of the Federation that’s about to explode, and more more in this week’s Star Trek Year Five #23 from IDW Publishing.
The lives of Captain Kirk, Spock, Sulu, Chekov, and the rest of the crew will be changed forever in Star Trek Year Five #22 from IDW Publishing.
With Spock still missing, the crew of the Enterprise needs to figure out where-and when-he is in this week’s Star Trek Year Five #21 from IDW Publishing.
The five year mission continues in this week’s Star Trek Year Five #20 from IDW Publishing. Take the jump for a sneak peek.
As the crew of the Enterprise moves toward an uncertain future, one of their own will be pulled into a violent past! Take the jump for a sneak peek of Star Trek Year Five #20 from IDW Publishing.
A pandemic raging across Alpha Centauri in Star Trek Year Five #19 from IDW Publishing. The issue arrives tomorrow, but you can take the jump now for a sneak peek.
With death lurking around every corner, the crew will face down one of their greatest challenges yet in the shocking conclusion of this arc of Star Trek Year Five #19 from IDW Publishing.
The Enterprise receives a distress call from Alpha Centauri and arrives to find a planet in the midst of a deadly global pandemic in this week’s Star Trek Year Five #18 from IDW Publishing.
With the Klingon threat behind them, the crew of the Enterprise begins their victory tour of the original planets of the Federation in this week’s Star Trek: Year Five #15 from IDW Publishing.
James T. Kirk. Gary Seven. The final conflict, one-on-one… Your Major Spoilers review of Star Trek: Year Five #12 from IDW Publishing awaits!
The Tholian Web is closing on the Enterprise, and Kirk has only minutes to save his ship and crew. Your Major Spoilers review of Star Trek: Year Five #8 from IDW Publishing awaits!