What is the secret of The Vibranium Man? Your Major Spoilers review of Avengers Forever #6 from Marvel Comics awaits!
Browsing: Jim Towe
On an alternate Earth where Wakanda has been crushed from existence and where the Black Panther is a forgotten legend, one man known as T’Challa will forge a new legacy in the pages of Avengers Forever #6 from Marvel Comics.
Given all that Doctor Doom has done in his life, what horrors could make the Multiversal Masters’ leader a Doom Above All? Your Major Spoilers review of Avengers Forever #5 from Marvel Comics awaits!
It is the doom of all dooms in this week’s Avengers Forever #5 from Marvel Comics.
The Black Skull has taken the upper hand once more, but the Goddesses of Thunder are incoming, and even a symbiote should watch its back. Your Major Spoilers review of Avengers Forever #4 from Marvel Comics awaits!
Here is a sneak peek of Avengers Forever #4 from Marvel Comics. The issue arrives in stores on Wednesday.
Beyond has more than one hero on its payroll, and it is time for the Slingers to comeout and play in Amazing Spider-Man #88.Bey from Marvel Comics.
Valiant Entertainment has released a sneak peek of X-O Manowar #8 that arrives on Wednesday.
Will Bloodshot and his team be able to stop one of his greatest villains from obtaining Project Rising Spirit’s most insidious weapon? Take the jump for this sneak peek of Bloodshot #12 from Valiant Entertainment.
Dennis Hopeless and Emilio Laiso’s epic journey brings X-O to a stunning crossroads in this week’s X-O Manowar #4 from Valiant Entertainment.
Valiant Entertainment has released an early look at X-O Manowar #4 that features new armor and a new challenge for the title character.
The final issue of Doctor Tomorrow lands in stores on Wednesday, but we have a preview of the action from Valiant Entertainment – TODAY!
The true origin of Doctor Tomorrow is finally revealed in Doctor Tomorrow #4 from Valiant Entertainment.
Bart Simms has seen his future… and it just gave him a super-suit! Your Major Spoilers review of Doctor Tomorrow #2 awaits!