Old Lady Harley #1, the latest in a string of “Old” something comics, was genuinely funny! I laughed out loud several times!
Browsing: Harley Quinn
Wilson and Berg review the Square Enix DC Comics Variant Play Arts Kai Harley Quinn, Nurse Version, designed by Tetsuya Nomura.
Wilson and Berg review the Square Enix DC Comics Tetsuya Nomura Variant Play Arts Kai Harley Quinn figure. This is part 1 of a 2 part review.
An old hero returns, and it’s all Harley’s fault. After all, she broke the continuity of the universe. Your Major Spoilers review of Harley Quinn #51 awaits!
Did You Hear? is a weekly examination of headlines in the entertainment industry and a…
Since it’s the fifth week of the month, DC again continued its practice of releasing some crossovers between their own characters and those from the Warner Bros. cartoons.
Given Harley Quinn’s recent popularity, I thought it would be fun to review her meet-up with Gossamer, that big, red, hairy monster! As always, there are two tales in this issue—one similar to DC’s style of storytelling, and the second more like the cartoons.
It’s Episode 341 of the Wayne’s Comics Podcast, and this week we continue our series of episodes featuring interviews from this year’s San Diego Comic Con, which took place from July 19 through the 22nd!
It’s Episode 340 of the Wayne’s Comics Podcast, and this week we begin a series of episodes featuring interviews from this year’s San Diego Comic Con, which took place from July 19 through the 22nd!
If you loved the first round of DC/Looney Tunes crossovers, the publisher has really great news for you – a new round of specials is arriving this summer.
At this point, Harley Quinn has become one of the biggest names in pop culture, and to think she got her start on Batman: The Animated Series way back in 1992. Now, Diamond Select Toys is bringing a new Harley Quinn statue to store shelves, and it looks like Harley has jumped out of the screen.
It took Harley Quinn over 20 years to become an overnight success, and now the Clown Princess of Crime is getting a new story arc from writer Sam Humphries and artist John Timms, as Harley Quinn takes on Granny Goodness and the Female Furies.
Diamond Select Toys has unveiled its latest Harley Quinn statue that will be arriving in stores soon.
Harley Quinn celebrated her 25th anniversary earlier this year, and Diamond Select Toys has released…
It almost seems like all this came to light eons ago, but I thought I…