All sides of humanity will be transformed by the Lazarus event, and we’ll see if any heroes rise in this week’s Lazarus Planet: Next Evolution #1 from DC Comics.
Browsing: Delilah S. Dawson
Take a look at the various battles across the Dark Crisis in this week’s Dark Crisis: War Zone #1 from DC Comics.
The Dark Army continues its march across the globe in DC Comics’ Dark Crisis: The Dark Army #1. The issue arrives in stores today.
Wellington is drawn back to the mines where the Barghest was summoned. What lies beneath in this rural outpost? Find out in Wellington #5 from IDW Publishing!
The rational Wellington has run headlong into a supernatural mystery. Can his logic and discipline compensate for his lack of otherworldly knowledge? Find out in Wellington #4 from IDW Publishing!
The strange writing and an even stranger dream lead Wellington to investigate the mine by day. What secrets lurk in the dark below ground? Find out in Wellington #3 from IDW Publishing!
The Devil on the loose in Yorkshire? Balderdash! Or is there something to what the mad old lady claims? Find out in Wellington #2 from IDW Publishing!
BOOM! Studios sent Major Spoilers this first look at Firefly: The Sting original graphic novel from Delilah S. Dawson and Pius Bak, Serg Acuna, Richard Ortiz, Hyeonjin Kim, and Rodrigo Lorenzo.
Our trio of arachnid heroes are on the hunt for a stray cat… burglar that is. Will they be able to work together to declaw the Black Cat, or will their egos get them cat scratch fever? We find out what is going on in MARVEL ACTION: SPIDER-MAN #9 from IDW Publishing.
It’s love at first sight when Vess meets Dr. Echozar! Are things finally going her way, or does the cute doctor have hidden motives of his own? Find out in Star Pig #3!
Vess is worth more alive than dead, and she learns that getting home to Earth is a lot more complicated than she had anticipated. And if Earth is sequestered, why are so many things in space named after Earth places? Find out more in Star Pig #2!
What do tardigrades and the wreckage of a shuttle from Earth have in common? Find out in Star Pig #1!
Aaron Mahnke, the creator of the Lore podcast, is launching a five-issue mini-series at IDW Publishing titled Wellington, that examines the darker side of history.
Delilah S. Dawson and Francesco Gaston are teaming for Star Pig, from IDW Publishing.