Browsing: Civil War

Syncretism is the process by which different mythological traditions merge and assimilate as cultures interact, like when stories of Mercury and Hermes started sounding like stories of the same person. Welcome to Ten Things: Ten Mythical God Pairs!

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One of Captain America’s greatest villains, Baron Helmut Zemo, always has a scheme for conquering the Marvel Universe. Whether it’s pretending to be a hero in the Thunderbolts or vexing Bucky in The Falcon and The Winter Soldier, Zemo’s furry collar is prepared for anything. Let’s learn his plans and ideas on terrible publicity in this new episode!

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Superman has Clark Kent, Moon Knight has a crowd of guys, but some of our favorite supers had to get creative.  Welcome to Ten Things: Ten Borrowed Identities!

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Like the knights of yore, some of our favorite supers live the armored life…  There is no Iron Man on this list.  Welcome to Ten Things: Ten Supers In Armor!

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Banded together from remote galaxies come ten of the most powerful heroes of of all time!  Or at least, the next best thing…  Welcome to Ten Things: Ten Alternate Justice Leaguers!

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In honor of the terrible recurring dreams I have about not making it to my finals or even knowing my schedule, we look at those super college students still matriculating! Welcome to Ten Things: Ten Super College Students!

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At midnight tonight, we leave 2018 behind and stand at the precipice of a new year, 2019. Psychics make a living out of predicting the future, but while I’m no psychic, I have some thoughts on what we just might see in the coming months.

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Last time, I talked about how filmmaker James Cameron was hoping there would be “Avengers Fatigue,” meaning people would eventually tire of what he considered repetitive storylines.

Well, “Avengers Fatigue” didn’t happen this past weekend – in fact, far from it!

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