Browsing: wizards of the coast

I first started playing Magic: The Gathering out of necessity. After moving from Ohio to Kansas I found a faculty-sanctioned gaming group at a nearby university. Everyone was pretty friendly and I volunteered to take a turn GMing the D&D game they were starting. There was only one problem…

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This episode: The team wakes up, and find themselves in the custody of G-G-G-Ghost Pirates! [podcast][/podcast] Direct Download RSS Feed Subscribe via iTunes Programming note: The next show will arrive July 02, 2011. Contact us at A big Thank You goes out to everyone who downloads, subscribes, listens, and supports this show. We really appreciate you taking the time to listen to our ramblings each week. Tell your friends about the podcast, get them to subscribe and, be sure to visit the Major Spoilers site and forums.

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The DCI, the ruling body for Magic: The Gathering tournaments has banned two cards for the Standard tournament type. Stoneforge Mystic and Jace the Mind Sculptor are no longer legal for tournament play in standard, with the somewhat strange exception that, as long as you are playing with the “War of Attrition” Event Deck (and no alterations are made to it) you may still use Stoneforge Mystic in standard tournaments. This is the first time a card has been banned in Standard since 2005. Have you come up against these two in the past? Are you happy about the change?…

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I’ve spent a good deal of time playing the original Duels of the Planeswalkers which I would categorize as very enjoyable. It’s always nice to find an online game of magic even when all my friends are asleep (because it’s before 1pm). That said it definitely had some irksome issues, so the only way that I was going to give a positive review to its progeny, Duels of the Planeswalkers 2012, is if those issues were addressed.

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This episode: A mysterious island, wrapped in fog, leads our adventurers off their boat and onto the sandy shore… at which point the power goes out, plunging your podcasters into the darkness. [podcast][/podcast] Direct Download RSS Feed Subscribe via iTunes Take the jump for the move by move images for this episode.

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This episode: Our 100th episode, and the crew is still stuck in the basement. [podcast][/podcast] Direct Download RSS Feed Subscribe via iTunes Contact us at A big Thank You goes out to everyone who downloads, subscribes, listens, and supports this show. We really appreciate you taking the time to listen to our ramblings each week. Tell your friends about the podcast, get them to subscribe and, be sure to visit the Major Spoilers site and forums.

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New Phyrexia is in full swing, so I thought I’d take one of the most malleable cards in the set and do something around it, I’m talking about that weird green artifact: Birthing Pod!

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This episode: Following another night of sleeping, things get strange, and interesting. [podcast][/podcast] Direct Download RSS Feed Subscribe via iTunes Contact us at A big Thank You goes out to everyone who downloads, subscribes, listens, and supports this show. We really appreciate you taking the time to listen to our ramblings each week. Tell your friends about the podcast, get them to subscribe and, be sure to visit the Major Spoilers site and forums.

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This episode: Following a rough night of sleep, the diplomatic envoy is in for another surprise. [podcast][/podcast] Direct Download RSS Feed Subscribe via iTunes Take the jump for the move by move images for this episode.

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Wizards of the Coast has released the first deck from Magic: The Gathering Duels of the Planeswalkers 2012. Most tantalizingly we meet a new planeswalker named Kiora Atua. As well as her deck.

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This episode: SMITH RETURNS! SMITH RETURNS! Make sure you listen to the end, because you aren’t going to believe how this episode ends! [podcast][/podcast] Direct Download RSS Feed Subscribe via iTunes Take the jump for the move by move images for this episode.

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This episode: The diplomatic mission continues to the Demonweb, and you won’t believe what happens next. No, really… you’ll be completely surprised… [podcast][/podcast] Direct Download RSS Feed Subscribe via iTunes Contact us at A big Thank You goes out to everyone who downloads, subscribes, listens, and supports this show. We really appreciate you taking the time to listen to our ramblings each week. Tell your friends about the podcast, get them to subscribe and, be sure to visit the Major Spoilers site and forums.

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If you frequent Magic: The Gathering’s official site you may have been surprised to find that Wizards of the Coast put up ‘spoilers’ for the entire set of New Phyrexia in one go. The reason they did this, as opposed to the slow progression of daily cards we’ve seen in the past, is that the “God Book” for the set was leaked on the internet. Yesterday WoTC announced that the people responsible had been discovered: We regret to report that the New Phyrexia spoilers posted prior to April 25 were done so without authorization of Wizards of the Coast,…

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