Browsing: Review

If you are looking for the Major Spoilers reviews of comic books from the comic book industry, you’ve found it! The best and the worst comics are reviewed each week.

Many internet people (including quite a few here at Stately Spoilers Manor and our California embassy) hold the strong opinion Tim Drake is the best Robin of them all.  But how did his storied heroic career get started?  Your Major Spoilers (Retro) Review of Batman #442 awaits!

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Suppose you discovered that every time you died, you actually transported into another you in another, albeit somewhat similar, universe? What would that do to you? The answer begins to take shape in Alter-Life #1, which I had the pleasure of picking up at the recent Wizard World Chicago convention!

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Shock ‘n Awe reviews the ThreeA studio String Divers Theodore toy.  Is it the worst toy they’ve reviewed to date? Maybe… Shock ‘n Awe Toy Reviews:  2 Idiots.  1 camera. And a review. Please comment below and if you enjoyed our review, like and subscribe to our channel.  Let us know what you liked, didn’t like and any ideas you may have for other toys you’d like to see reviewed in future episodes! Twitter: @ShockNAweToys Follow Wilson on Twitter @scaabs Follow the Berg on Twitter @RagiFoesmasher All music is copyright of Shock ‘n Awe Videos

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We’ve seen the future, and it is weird, but now Invincible and family return to Earth, where former colleague Robot has taken over.  Awkwaaaard…  Your Major Spoilers review of Invincible #130 awaits!

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Barbara Gordon is leaving Burnside behind and embarking on a whirlwind trip to Tokyo.  But is romance in the cards for our Batgirl?  Your Major Spoilers review of Batgirl #2 awaits!

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That awkward moment when you’re busy being a secret Agent Of Hydra, but your teammates insist on having a Civil War…  How rude!  Your Major Spoilers review of Steve Rogers, Captain America #4 awaits!

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Major Spoilers reviews ROM #2 from IDW Publishing, and written by Chris Ryall, Christos Gage with art by David Messina.

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Feeling a heavy dose of 1970s style malaise, Howard The Duck has checked himself into a local metal facility.  Well, actually it wasn’t his decision, thanks to the less-than-savory machinations of the Kidney Lady, but in any case…  Things are about to get a bit weird.  Your Major Spoilers (Retro) Review of Howard the Duck #13 awaits!

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