Browsing: Humor

Who’s excited about going out to see Twilight this weekend? Anyone?

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There’s another episode of the stop motion animated series What The–?! making the rounds, and we’ve got it here. In this timeless tale of forbidden love and sparkly vampires. Can a young girl truly find happiness in the arms of an immortal creature of the night or will this pale yet alluring couple experience a total eclipse of the heart? And what’s Man-Wolf doing on the prowl?

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Otter Disaster was swamped this week, and fell a bit behind.  Luckily, we have a Major Spoilers Adventures backup adventure for you to enjoy this week.  The Fifth Dimension Saga will continue next week.

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Many of you are probably familiar with Randall Munroe’s xkcd web comic series that brings a chuckle to my face every day. Instead of featuring his stick figure work, today I want to show-off his take on the chart meme sweeping the Intardwebz that features everything from space missions, to Star Trek history. His take on Lord of the Rings is nice, but it’s his Primer interpretation that has me in stitches. Head over to his site for the full image. via xkcd

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Yes, there is something strange in the neighborhood… You meatbags never cease to confuse me.  This is why my brethren will never be able to take over the world, thus confining us to a life of managing a  team of weirdos running this website.

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If you ever laid awake at night worrying about the Milky Way galaxy colliding with another, then perhaps Felicia Day explaining what really happen might make you sleep better at night. Felicia Day explains some of the science behind galactic “collisions,” including the upcoming collision between the galaxy Andromeda and our own galaxy, in this mock behind-the-scenes look at the making of a NASA educational video. Sean Astin also stars.

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