Author: Matthew Peterson

Once upon a time, there was a young nerd from the Midwest, who loved Matter-Eater Lad and the McKenzie Brothers... If pop culture were a maze, Matthew would be the Minotaur at its center. Were it a mall, he'd be the Food Court. Were it a parking lot, he’d be the distant Cart Corral where the weird kids gather to smoke, but that’s not important right now... Matthew enjoys body surfing (so long as the bodies are fresh), writing in the third person, and dark-eyed women. Amongst his weaponry are such diverse elements as: Fear! Surprise! Ruthless efficiency! An almost fanatical devotion to pop culture! And a nice red uniform.

Batman has always had it right: Get yourself an impressive car, and regardless of whether or not you have superpowers, you can be considered the best of the best. Indeed, the Batmobile and it’s requisite air and sea counterparts are some of the most iconic bits of bat-regalia, and have been widely duplicated. (Green Arrow’s Arrow-plane gets extra points for the bad pun.) Here at Major Spoilers, the podcast crew follow the trend as best we can, with my red Chrysler, Stephen’s blue jeep and Rodrigo’s Yaris-that-transforms-into-a-robot-frog-or-at-least-that’s-his-story, which leads us to today’s vehicular query… The MS-QOTD (pronounced “shee-vuh-row-lut”) still wants…

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In a world somewhat like the Marvel Universe, it was Gwendolyn Stacy, not Peter Parker who was bitten by a radioactive insect during a science exhibition.  Never before has the phrased “because you demanded it” been greeted with quite so much instant gratification…  Your Major Spoilers review of Spider-Gwen #1 awaits!

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I admit it: I’m a child of the 1980s.  I vividly remember the hype and hullaballoo surrounding ‘The Dark Knight Returns’, and was wildly excited to finally get my hands on a copy of the collected ‘Watchmen.’  I was excited about Batman in a way I haven’t been very often, and even though neither series ends particularly well, I thought they were appropriately transformative that their dystopian approaches work.  For all my complaints about the new version of Battlestar Galactica, it was orders of magnitude more popular than the feathered-hair-ancient-astronauts of my youth, and even the darker Volume 4 Legion…

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Recently, all my friends on social media have been buzzing and wanting to get my opinion on the new Power Rangers short film, with more than one person telling me that this was the Power Rangers movie that they’d be willing to go see. For my part, I like bits of the movie, with the caveat that it seems to be a parody of grimdark reboots that, by design, is not really Power Rangers at all. Indeed, if you listed all the things that I NEVER want to see full of blood, sex, cursing and the blue/orange filters, Power Rangers…

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My grandma used to say “There are a lot of fish in the sea.”  The sheer variety of tuna, tripe and coelacanths, however, pales in comparison with the sheer number of students and affiliates of Xavier’s School for Gifted Children. Buckle up, Faithful Spoilerites.  These X-Men stories get complicated…  Welcome to Ten Things!

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The final issue of Fables is rapidly approaching, and the series central conflict is finally coming to a head, as Briar Rose and Snow White move towards conflict neither truly wants but each is cursed to be unable to avoid…  Your Major Spoilers review of Fables #149 awaits!

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With the recent demise of legendary voice actor Gary Owens, I’ve been on something of a Space Ghost binge, including the wonderful crossover short from the ‘Batman: The Brave and The Bold’ episode “Brave Beginnings.”  That story has convinced me more than ever that Space Ghost needs to be an official part of DC’s ongoing comics world, whether present or future.  Think of the potential teamups: Superman, alien policeman Hawkman, The Legion of Super-Heroes.  Heck, he’s even a Warner Brothers-owned character already, it seems like there’s no good reason not to bring him in, other than editorial frippery.  Of course,…

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With her upcoming animated series, lot of folks are suddenly talking about the superhero called Vixen for the very first time.  Though her planned 1977 solo title was cancelled before it ever got off the ground, The Vixen was bound and determined to make her way to the DC Universe.  Still, her first appearance may not be exactly what you’re expecting…  Your Major Spoilers (Retro) Review of Action Comics #521 awaits!

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Cindy Moon was bitten by the same radioactive spider that gave Peter Parker his powers, but has spent the ensuing years locked up in a bunker beneath the city.  Now, she’s out, but it’s turning out to be harder than she thought to rebuild her life.  Your Major Spoilers review of Silk #1 awaits!

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The creator of Noble Causes and Dynamo 5 is back with another look at the human factor in superhero actions.  The Front Line is ready to take on a new member, but his intentions may not be entirely pure…  Your Major Spoilers review of Secret Identities #1 awaits!

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February 19th was the Lunar New Year, ushering in (depending on whom you ask) The Year Of The Sheep or The Year Of The Goat.  I’m always fascinated by the various cosmological theories created to understand the universe, and the Chinese Zodiac is one of the earliest I encountered, being printed on the placemats at the only Chinese restaurant in my home town.  Since my wife was born in 1967, I’ve encountered the different translation before (she loves sheep but hates goats, so she has strong opinions about which should be more correct), but wondered if it’s a matter of…

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It’s team-up time, but Ms. Marvel is not ready for her latest crossover partner… But neither, it seems, is Loki ready for her.  Your Major Spoilers review of Ms. Marvel #12 awaits!

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I’ve heard a lot of cool story hooks in my time, but “horror on the high seas” is one of the more compelling in recent memory…  How far would you go to save your own life?  Your Major Spoilers review of Plunder #1 awaits!

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President’s Day was Monday, sparking a debate between Jason “Jawiin” Inman and myself about who is the superior fictional commander-in-chief.  His choice for best fictional president, Josiah “Jed” Bartlett, PhD, is known for his strong speaking skills, excellent foreign policy, compassion and his love of trivia.  My choice for best fictional president, James Norcross, led his country through the turbulent 1960s, refurbished the White House with modern technology and also HAS COSMIC TRANSFORMATIONAL ELEMENTAL SUPER-POWERS AND THE ABILITY TO FLY.  Either way, since we found ourselves at an impasse, I felt it behooves us to bring this discussion to the…

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