There’s a gorgeous dame in his bed and poison in his blood, but even The Human Target isn’t ready to face her ex. At least, not alone… Your Major Spoilers review of The Human Target #6 from DC Comics awaits!

Writer: Tom King
Artist: Greg Smallwood
Colorist: Greg Smallwood
Letterer: Clayton Cowles
Editor: Ben Abernathy
Publisher: DC Comics (Black Label)
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: March 22, 2022
Previously in The Human Target: After a tragic confrontation leaves a Justice Leaguer dead, Christopher Chance, the Human Target, is one step closer to solving his own murder…but also one step closer to his own grave. With only six days left, can he find the truth through webs of lies?”
While investigating the attempted murder of Lex Luthor (a murder which has left Chance poisoned as well, with only six more days to live), Christopher Chance found leads that brought him to the Justice League International. Guy Gardner has threatened him, Booster Gold has tried to market to him, Blue Beetle has explained the heroic urge, and Ice… Well, Chris and Ice have a little something special. Or at least they did until he began examining the motives of her best friend, Bea da Costa, known to the world as Fire. Ice storms out of his hotel room, leaving Chance alone with his suspicions until Doctor Mid-Nite calls with more bad news. The samples that he brought back match the poison coursing through Chance’s system, which means that he’s on the trail of his murderer. When he gets home, he finds Ice waiting, and spends another several of his dwindling hours left on Earth having sex with the beautiful platinum blonde femme fatale. That, in turn, brings Guy Gardner to his door, forcing him once more to face a Green Lantern.
But this time, Ice is on his side.
The gruesome end of that sequence puts a whole new light on everyone involved, from Chance to Guy to Ice herself, who has been overtly cursing throughout this issue. Whatever Earth this may be, it’s one where Fire can blackmail Martian Manhunter over their affair, where Booster Gold can steal from multiple time periods to sell bagels, where Blue Beetle can calmly explain that he’d have been happy to kill Luthor. I should hate it, but somehow it’s incredibly rich and engaging, with Smallwood’s art taking even the least superheroic moments and making them gorgeous to look at. This issue ends with The Human Target finding Fire waiting in his office, just in time for a planned several-month hiatus. Will the book’s momentum carry over into late summer? I suspect that it will, just on the strength of what we’ve seen in these last few issues.
Once you’ve read this comic, the phrase “ONE PUNCH! BWAAH HA HA!” will never be quite the same for you, but The Human Target #6 will likely stick with you, not just for the graphic violence or the subverted heroic tropes, but because of Smallwood’s flawless art, earning 4.5 out of 5 stars overall. Tom King’s work isn’t always for me, but the way this series has combined the building blocks of noir fiction with the seemingly incompatible superhero genre is remarkable and comes highly recommended.
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To be honest, this noir-tinged Justice League should bug me, but I find myself drawn in by the beautiful art and the skillful detective trappings of it all, even when the story gets darker than I ever expected.
I cannot believe my luck! This is the first book I have been excited to read in a while and now it is going on hiatus.
I’ll convince myself that this is good news so I can extend the fun of reading it.
Yeah. it is really good. Too bad it is now on a five month break!
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