Old enemies unite against a common foe, while the heroes of half a dozen worlds (read: cartoons) unite to combat Omnikron… ‘Course, it’s never quite that easy, is it? Your Major Spoilers review of Future Quest #9 awaits!
Writer: Jeff Parker
Artist: Ron Randall
Colorist: Veronica Gandini
Letterer: ALW Studios’ Dave Lanphear
Editor: Marie Javins
Publisher: DC Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Previously in Future Quest: Dr. Quest, Dr. Zin and Jezebel Jade have escaped from the forces of fear with Jayce in tow, and have gone to ground in the damaged Phantom Cruiser The heroes (The Impossibles, Herculoids, Birdman, Mi-Tor and more) are all converging in one place, but Omnikron is approaching…
After many issues of setup, bringing the cast together and establishing who our new players are, the story has kicked into high gear. Quest, Zin and Jade are nearly blow to smithereens before Jayce regains consciousness enough to fire up the Phantom Cruiser; Johnny, Hadji, Jan and Buzz have engaged Frankenstein, Jr’s brain into the body of the colossus; Deva, Race and Dr. Conroy as well as The Impossibles are on the move, with the Imps having recovered Space Ghost; Mi-Tor and Birdman manage to channel the power of Mi-Tor’s club to portal back from the world beyond. It’s an issue packed with moving parts, including a lovely moment where Space Ghost gifts one of his power-bands to Race to combat Omnikron. Unfortunately the Herculoids arrive confused, and turn their attack not to the monster but to Frankenstein, Jr.
This series has been a fave-rave since #1 for me, but this one doesn’t quite have the same feel. Ron Randall’s art i perfectly fine, but it’s not the nuanced work of Doc Shaner or Steve Rude, both of whom carry an Alex Toth/animation influence in their work. Randall’s art feels very much like a comic book story, whereas previous issues carried more of the animation influences that the character designs demand. That said, it’s a good-looking issue, and Parker’s script has a lot of fun moments (Deva realizing who here new Impossible is, the awkward détente between Dr. Quest and Dr. Zin, Race’s response to the power of Space Ghost’s gauntlet) as well as some nice action sequences. I’m still uncertain whether the series is going to continue past #12, but it seems clear that there’s going to be a big climactic battle in or around that issue.
This issue brings our heroes together in the same place for the first time, which makes me look forward to next time around (and maybe some heavy-duty Space Ghost action, please? It’s been 9 issues you guys!) Future Quest #9 is a solid issue with a lot of plot-related heavy lifting to do, meaning it’s not my favorite issue of the book, but it’s still a good read, earning 3.5 out of 5 stars overall. Now that we’ve assembled the players, here’s hoping that if the end is near, that the ride is unforgettable…
[taq_review]Dear Spoilerite,
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1 Comment
I actually like the art here, (read online), and I think Mr. Randall has done my favourites the Impossibles better here than in FQ7. Just would have liked them with no changes except more realistic looks for this comic, new stage wear and a basic origin story for those who would like one. Cannot accept the new member at all – character O.K. in herself, but would prefer as supporting character rather than actual ‘Imps member, and original Big D rather than Deva. I will say this is an exciting part of the story, lots of action!