Comixology Originals releases Nikola Tesla this week, a new English translation of the Italian bio-comic.
Written by Sergio Rossi with black and white art by Giovanni Scarduelli
Translated from Italian by Lucy Lenzi
Lettering and layout by Giulia Gabrielli
Edited by Stefano A. Cresti
● Who was Nikola Tesla? A brilliant inventor or a visionary uncoupled from his time?
● Growing up in poverty in the mid-19th century under the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Tesla managed to study and become an engineer on his own. He emigrated in search of fortune, first in France and then in America, where he was hired to work in the laboratory of Thomas Edison, the renowned inventor of the phonograph and light bulb.
● He suffered, endured, and then overcame his envious colleagues, first and foremost Edison himself, which culminated with the so-called War of Currents, a competition for the control of electric energy on the world market. He had a grand public comeback before his resounding and definitive downfall.
● With over two hundred different patents, some of which spread the alternate current and the radio throughout the world, and thanks to his intuition about the remote control and wi-fi, Tesla is now remembered as one of the most important innovators in modern history.