All the searching has led to a final moment, but does anyone have the strength to do the right thing anymore? Your Major Spoilers review of Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #8 awaits!
Writer: Tom King
Artist: Bilquis Evely
Colorist: Mattheus Lopes
Letterer: Clayton Cowles
Editor: Brittany Holzherr
Publisher: DC Comics
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: February 15th, 2022
Previously in Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow: Kara and her companion Ruthye have chased Krem of The Yellow Hills across multiple galaxies and now all that stands between them and a conclusion to their chase is an army of genocidal pirates.
Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #8 opens with Krem tied to a tree with Ruthye’s sword at his neck. In space, Kara is facing the business end of a gun loaded with a kryptonite bullet. Comet the Super-Horse arrives in time to save Kara. Down on the planet, Ruthye and Krem finally have their long-awaited confrontation. The two go back and forth, until finally things turn to blows, with Ruthye coming out on top. Kara then arrives after dealing with The Brigands. The three then have a final confrontation with each other, with whoever comes out on top deciding the fate of Krem. The issue then ends in a bit of an epilogue and the reader is shown the fates of Kara, Ruthye, and Krem.
Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #8 continues the trend of this series by being a thoughtful, challenging, and engaging comic book. What makes this truly special though is that it manages to do this without being heavy on action, but the heavy use of dialog doesn’t diminish the tension at all either. This issue finds a nice balance between having enough in here to provide catharsis for readers who’ve followed this series from the beginning and not falling into a predictable ending. All that being said, this issue does have some cliches that don’t feel completely necessary. Particularly the events that happen with Comet, these come off as a bit cheap and an excessive attempt to garner an emotional response. Also, having a lot of this series retroactively be “a lesson” also came off as a strange clarification that diminishes some of the characterizations of Kara that has made this such a unique and enjoyable series.
Considering a majority of this comic takes place on a beach it’s good that the depiction of it was so well done. The water in particular had a real sense of motion to it and there was a lot of effort put in to make it seem like the water is constantly lapping at everyone’s feet. Also, this issue has some of the best hero shots of Supergirl that this series has seen. The amount of wear and tear to her cape might be a bit excessive, but it sure makes a statement.
Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #8 is not the type of final issue that provides a lot of clean-cut conclusions, which is fitting for the type of series this has been. While it does dip a little into the waters of shallow sentimentality, for the most part, it continues its firm stance in the realm of complex emotions and complicated morality. 4.5 out of 5 stars.
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Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #8 is a proper send-off to one of the best series not only for Supergirl but in general. a few missteps aren’t enough to diminish how well this all wraps up.