Top Five
Top Five is a show where the hosts categorize, rank, compare, and stratify everything… from cars to gadgets to people and movies. From stuff that is hot, and things that are not nearly as interesting – it’s Top Five.
This week, we may love them, we may hate them, but we can all agree these five things have overstayed their welcome.
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That kid who does the year at the end of the episode really had a deep voice at the start.
5. Family Guy. Show should of never gotten renewed after getting canceled the 1st time.
4. Supernatural. Season 4 had a perfect ending. It resolved pretty much everything and it was a great place to end the show. It’s now on what… season 42 … I have no idea how they manage to keep it going. No way will I watch past season 4.
3. Mosquito season. I feel I need no reason to justify my answer.
2. That annoying relative that you see every holiday/family gathering who’s goal is to ruin everyone’s good time with asinine opinions about stuff no one else really cares to talk about…. You know the one I’m talking about.
1. Old memes. They may have been funny the first time but after the thousandth variant, the meme really needs to be takes out to pasture at that point.
Another great episode guys!
It was great to hear your laughs, jokes, and stories as always.
I have to agree with Rodrigo’s #1. I was hoping that one of you would include it in your list, and I think Rodrigo basically handled it perfectly.
It’s always a pleasure listening, and Happy New Years to the Major Spoilers Crew!
Enjoyed this episode a lot, fellas. I thought there might be some overlap here with #37 (Things we Still Love, but Haven’t Aged Well) and #131 (Movies we Loved as Kids but Don’t Hold Up), but you went in a different direction, and I loved it! Thanks for the shout-out, and yes, this marks the 22nd episode mentioning Surf Nazis Must Die.
My list:
5) Highlander – Yes, the series was decent, but I have to start out with this canonical example of sequels that should never have been made.
4) The Bernie Rhodenbarr novels by Lawrence Block – I enjoyed the heck out of this series for nine volumes, with loveable burglar Bernie getting falsely accused of murders he had to solve to clear his name. And then came The Burglar on the Prowl, in which Bernie starts the book hiding under a bed while a woman is raped in her apartment, and later SEDUCES HER. So many different kinds of ick, and far beneath Block’s usual standard.
3) The Get Down – I was amazed by the quality of the storytelling in Baz Luhrmann’s series about the birth of hip-hop in the boroughs of NYC. I was invested in all of the characters and the intricate plotting, especially in the third episode, “Darkness is your Candle”. Then Part 2 (episodes 7-11) happened, and everything went to hell. One character began only to appear in animated sequences (presumably because they could only afford Jaden Smith’s voice at that point), and all the care that went into the first half was gone.
2) Buffy The Vampire Slayer – Not talking about the series here, though some have argued that it went on too long. What really angered me was when I decided to read the “Buffy Season 8” comic books. Never have I seen a set of characters so betrayed by those writing them. It’s nothing short of criminal.
1) Jeremy Clarkson – The boorish man-child who has helmed the foundering ship that was Top Gear and is now The Grand Tour is a relic of an age of casual sexism, racism, and homophobia that deserves to die in the past where it belongs. I wish that I could watch Richard Hammond and James May without him, but I’m resigned to the fact that will never happen.
Honorable mentions go to the current GOP Administration and capitalism in general.
Stephen – THANK YOU!! We have had the discussion about social media recently and I agree, it has morphed into this hideous creature that has ruined many aspects of our culture. I think I’d have pushed that up to #1. But Thank You for being another voice to validate to ridiculousness of social media.