Johnny Bates is a unique case among the heroes on this list in that, while he did die in order to preserve the lives of millions, it was not his choice to do so. When his mentor disappeared in 1963, Johnny stayed in super-powered form, growing into a jaded, merciless, amoral monster. When Marvelman/Miracleman returned, their battle caused the loss of millions of lives, the devastation of London, and Kid M. impaled on a girder. Returning to his preadolescent normal form, Bates’ was horrified to see what he/his other self had wrought, but his shock was short-lived, as Miracleman snapped his neck in a composite act of mercy/vengeance…
This moment is discussed in Top Five Amazing Moments in Comics. http://majorspoilers.com/2015/12/17/top-five-amazing-moments-in-comics/
“This moment” being Gjallerbru. Sorry.
The Executioner, that was great stuff. Being Nordic myself, I feel this Thor run is probably the best that character will ever get.